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FUE GRAPH quality compared to fut

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  • Regular Member

I consulted with a recommended fut doctor. He was strongly against fue operations. One claim he made that I never heard of before was that with an fue even the best surgeon isn't going to fully get the follicle extracted. And since part of the follicle is damaged the hairs coming out will always be minituized in comparison to an fut operation. Is there any truth to This? If so that would be a huge strike against fue.

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  • Senior Member

Of course an FUT surgeon is encouraging you to not go with FUE. Strip surgery does produce good results as long as your okay with the 8 inch linear scar for the rest of your life. Maybe a doctor will respond regarding the damaged follicle but I would suspect a damaged follicle would not produce a hair. This happens in transections of hair grafts but that percentage is very low and the surgeon typically removes more grafts to compensate for the transections. I had over 5,000 grafts transplanted using FUE in 2012. You be the judge of the success. And if you would like to see more before/afters visit my website at MyFUEhairtransplant.com. Thanks for contributing to this website and I'm sure you will hear from others regarding your question. Best of luck to you.

I am an online representative for Carolina Hair Surgery & Dr. Mike Vories (Recommended on the Hair Transplant Network).

View John's before/after photos and videos:  http://www.MyFUEhairtransplant.com

You can email me at johncasper99@gmail.com

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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