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Ahead Ink SMP 48 year old male

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Long time dweller on this forum.


Wanted to share my experience with Ahead INK in Fort Lee New Jersey.


I have had at least 6 transplants starting from when I was 21 years old. I am 48 years old now. I have exhausted my donor area for strip and really do not have many options in the way of trying to complete a full look. Shaving my head is too scary as I have several large and wide scars on the back of my head. I have been using concealer every day of my life for literally 25 years. I never leave the house without it.


I have been considering SMP for about 2 years. I visited all the companies that offer this service in the SoCal area (His hair, scalp aesthetics, Dr Rassman, Umar, Good Look Ink) and spoke to some on the phone (Shapiro, Ahead Ink).


I chose Ahead Ink because of the non permanency of the treatment. I was comfortable with the Milena Lardi products being used, and because of the interaction with the owner Erik. Who turned out to be just an all round great guy.


I did have to fly to New York. Which is not easy. But overall I am very happy with my decision and with the skill and hospitality of Erik. I had to do 4 sessions, two on the first visit in two days and two on subsequent days 6 weeks later.


I did have a some problems. But these were not related to Ahead INK. After my first session, I went home and used some hair spray and leave on conditioner on my hair (which I typically don't do) and my scalp became very irritated, and flaked and peeled a lot. I lost some of my pigment because of this. In fact Erik was stunned at what my scalp looked like. To his credit he took his time with me. We got my scalp cleaned up, his brother even went to the store for me and bought me special shampoo and conditioner. Really went out of their way for me.


The pictures attached are at his studio the first day and after the fourth session. I am hoping that The ink will last. I will post some follow up pictures in about 6 months to see how it is holding up.


Overall I highly recommend the clinic and if I can assist anyone please reach out to me. The last two days, I went to work for the first time ever without a drop of concealer in my hair (I was tempted). Kinda cool!


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So pleased to hear you have ditched the concealers! It must be a liberating feeling.


Here are some more pictures from delgreco's procedure. For his case we decided to use a 3-point thickening needle as opposed to the single point used for Shaved Look procedures. The objective was to cover as much scalp as possible, and he was committed to keeping his hair long and not shaving down. Since he is fully transplanted there was less concern about future hair loss and keeping the dots as tiny as possible should he lose more hair.


As he mentioned, delgreco had a massive amount of dry skin, likely from a combination of products being used. Ahead Ink gives all clients a Beauty Medical aftercare kit that includes shampoo and serum. For delgreco we used the serum prior to his procedure as well as immediately after and it worked an absolute miracle on his dry scalp.




I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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