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Massive shed overnight 4 weeks post op

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Hi everyone,


I had my surgery about a month ago with one of the recommended surgeons on here. So far I didn't really have any issues and was also able to hold on to the majority of the tranaplanted hairs. However, last night i had a massive shed, and I mean massive. My enyire pillow was covered with hundreds of hair. Now when i run my fingers through my hair, i still have 10-15 hairs almost everytime. I went overnight from not having lost any significant amound to losing almost the entire frontline. Now I understand that the shedding process is different for wveryone, but has anyone else experienced such a massive shed in one day? It's really tp the extend where people asked me today what happened as my head looks completely different today. The reason why I'm so worried is because I was out in the sun yesterday for about 45mins. Unfortunately I was at a work event and there was no way to avoid it. Also, rhis was throughout the day and not 45mins at once. I am now worried that maybe the sun exposure may have a negative impact on my future results. I was totally prepared to lose the transplanted hair, but I am shocked that it happened so quickly after 4 weeks of almost no loss. Does anyone think this couldve been caused by the sun or is it common that the shedding is pretty intense when it starts to kick in?


Of course I already asked the clinic and they assured me that its all normal and part of the process, but I wasn't able to find any stories on here that talk about a massive shed overnight, more like a progressive shed over a couple of days.


Anyway, not much I can do at this point and probably just have to be patient, but would apprecuate it if anyone couod chime in who had a similar experience.



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Transplanted hair falls out between 4 to 6 weeks. I actually do recall one or two nights where I had a massive shed out of the transplanted hair just like you.


It can be alarming if you're not expecting it, but I can assure you that it is perfectly normal at this stage in the healing and growing process.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

My shed was just as sudden at Day 14. It happened in mass. At a week the follicles are supposed to be firmly implanted. A month would suggest you have little to worry about. Contact your doctor if you want to be sure. Seems normal to me.

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The FUT surgery experience and results


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Supplements: Biotin, MSM

5% Minoxidil Foam

Regenepure Shampoo (re-starting 1mo after HT)

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Thanks, appreciate your comments. Just hope its really not related tp the sun. Yesterday i didnt mind walking around without a hat and now just one day later its pretty noticeable i had surgery. I guess all i can do is wait now and hope its just a coincidence i had this massive shed after an extended exposure to the sun.

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  • Regular Member

Yes it happened to me. Look at these pictures. At day 21 (morning) I had all my transplanted hair in the front. Then at night I took a shower and you can see day 22 in the morning the difference. That shower took about 75% of my transplanted hair. But that ok its aprt of the process. Now I can see my native hair coming back since Feller and Bloxham require shaving



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  • Senior Member

For some, the hair shocks at a slower rate and for others, it can seem like it happens overnight.


The good news is that the regrowth will start and before you know it, you will look awesome!...:cool:


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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