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Recovery time

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Hi all,


I am considering a hair transplant, likely FUT, not FUE. I know this is a common concern, but I was wondering if there was a general guidance on how long recovery from surgery to the point where it is "not noticeable." Specifically, wondering things like


1) Typical length of time for "redness" - I've read this can be from a couple weeks to a couple months?

2) How long the transplanted hairs hang around before shedding?

3) How long for scabs to show up and then shed?


Like a lot of people, I want to do this, but I am concerned about it being obvious to others. Those I have spoken with say that most take a week off from work. But looking at day 7 photos online, it would be incredibly obvious for most. I can probably take 2 weeks off from work if I have to, longer than that would be tough, if not impossible. I can also probably pull off a comb over to a certain degree, but it wouldn't be perfect. Also, what is typical new hair growth rate? About how long could I expect the new hair to be after 3 months? 6 months? Wondering how long I would have to "cover it up" before I could more naturally blend it?


Finally, are there any FAQs on here with questions like this? I imagine they get asked a lot.



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  • Senior Member

Welcome to this community...you should be looking ok at the end of 2 weeks from the procedure as far as being able to cover any lingering visual effects from the procedure, especially if you have FUE.


The scabbing should be pretty well gone and there are some post-op spays that can facilitate the healing process as well.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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I think there are a TON of guys who would do this if the stigma wasn't attached. If I got my front teeth knocked out people would think I was nuts if I didn't get them replaced but when your hair falls out and you do something about it, many people look at you like you are weird for caring about it. It sucks!

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To answer your question, fut seems to be a longer recovery (especially if you shave the recipient area) which some doctors recommend. I think a lot depends on how much existing hair you have, how long the existing hair is, and if you are lowering your hairline. It seems like the FUT patients who do not shave the recipient area and do not lower their hairline but build density behind their existing hairline seem to have an easier time covering up the work.

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1) Depends on the person. I'm quite pale, but at 3 weeks things look acceptable. Concealer helps but in truth a little redness is not as big of a deal as you think. It took between 2-3 weeks for me to go from bruised looking to sunburned.


2) My hair shed in mass at two weeks. I read that it can be anywhere from 2 to 8 weeks for the shed. Like redness, shedding varies by person.


3) My scabs showerd up after a day or two, and were mostly gone by day 10. I was scab free when I returned for work on Day 12.

My HT Journey

The FUT surgery experience and results


Disguising my FUT Scar


Medications and Supplements

Supplements: Biotin, MSM

5% Minoxidil Foam

Regenepure Shampoo (re-starting 1mo after HT)

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You've asked some good questions. Unfortunately, there is not an exact answer as it varies for everyone. However, I've provided you with some answers below.


1) Typical length of time for "redness" - I've read this can be from a couple weeks to a couple months?


Redness can vary. Some may not experience any redness and when the scabs are gone (typically within a week), the scalp looks fine. However, I've seen some experience redness up to 2 months. There are some things you can apply to the scalp to minimize inflammation such as Aloe Vera and for scalp pimples, TendSkin can potentially help. Aloe can help with that too.


2) How long the transplanted hairs hang around before shedding?


If you're one of the exceptionally rare lucky ones, maybe they'll continue to grow and never shed. But if you're like most of us, most of the transplanted hairs will shed between 4 to 6 weeks and start to regrow between 3 to 5 months.


3) How long for scabs to show up and then shed?


Well scabs are a result of the wound healing and is basically dried up blood. So they typically appear within the first 24 hours. As for scab removal, every doctor has their own set of postoperative instructions. But most patients don't have any scabs left within a week. If postoperative instructions don't include gentle scab removal and you're advised to let them fall off naturally, it may take several weeks.


I hope this helps.



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  • Senior Member

As has been stated by others, several factors make your post op experience vary from others.


Your physiology, post op care and the techniques of the surgeon can all contribute to healing time or prolong it.


Redness can last days, weeks or months, depending on the before mentioned factors.


Scabs should start coming off after a few days to a week in most cases, two weeks at the most should see them mostly gone (not by picking, never pick them).


Hairs from transplanted grafts can last weeks or even a couple of months, depends on your physiology, post op care etc.


Unfortunately, only vague generalities can be used to predict what your experience may look like, but it shouldn't depart drastically from the experience of others if performed by a competent surgeon and if you're a healthy individual that follows the post op regimen assigned to you.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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