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FUE: hair growth of transplanted hairs before shedding?


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I have had FUE procedure 18 days ago. Some hairs have shed, firstly when the scabs came off, but also a few every now and again when i pass my hands through my hair.


But there are lots of remaining ones, which seem to be growing in length. I have read that this may be a good sign, if hairs immediately start growing without shedding phase.


Do hairs grow before they shed? or do the hairs that shed, stay the same length then shed? Or is it just the hairs detaching from the follicle gives them some extra length??


Obviously i will see in due course, but I'm in the 'waiting phase'. crystal ball please!



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First of all, congratulations for getting your hair transplant done. I hope you have got it done at right place with qualified hair transplant surgeon. Normally the transplanted hair grows for around 2-3 weeks then they start to shed off. This process will continue approximately up to 3 months post transplant and then they will start growing gradually over next 6 months. So you can see the final result of your transplant at around 9 months. Some patient may have less shedding and show early sign of hair growth and may show good result as early as 6 months but that is not in all cases. At present there is no scientific study showing that less shedding will result in very good result and those who show hair shedding post transplant will have less result. On an average one can see final result of hair transplant between 9 to 12 months. So in my view the phenomenon of having less hair shedding post hair transplant has not much significance scientifically but for patients it is definitely encouraging and motivating. Stick to the medicine prescribed to you to continue in post hair transplant phase for an appropriate duration. Do regular follow up with your hair transplant surgeon if possible. Best of Luck..!!

Online Representative and Patient Advisor for:

Dr. Kapil Dua, AKClinics - Hair Transplant in Delhi, Ludhiana and Bangalore, Chennai - India.

Dr. Kapil Dua, Board of Governor at ISHRS(USA), Board of Governor at AAHRS, President of AHRS India

is a recommended surgeon at Hair Transplant Network.


Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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