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Propecia do you take it after your transplant

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I'm 33 years old and nw3.I know its wise to take propecia and I have tried it for 10 months before but I get sides from it(no morning wood,lower libido,lower erection strength and stamina,body not as hard) and I felt like my hair got worse on it. I already have naturally low dht(bs I'm still balding anyways) in the 20's. When I took propecia I had my dht tested and my dht was 7 which I theorize that's too low for my body to function well enuff.


Now I'm trying it again past week and same shit is occurring. I had morning wood when off it and have noticed none so far.


So I'm caught between rock and hard place. I want a transplant but I don't want to take finasteride.(I guess I could try lower dosage like 1mg every other day or something)


I'm currently using minoxidil and s5 cream plus 1x a day.


Any hair transplant patients out their that dont take finasteride. I hear its possible to naturally maintain your norwood like its programed to get to nwx then you stop progressing. Some people get to nw3 and 4 and kinda stop their with no medication supposedly


Anyone here got any insight. Thanks

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  • Senior Member

What dose are you taking? You may consider speaking with a physician about your dosage.


If you're having debilitating sexual side effects, that can be reversed by discontinuing the drug or possibly taking a physician advised dose.


Sometimes people take more than 1mg if they're cutting up proscar pills and it proves to be too much for their system, causing side effects.


As for the fate of your hair without finasteride, that's up to your genetics.


Most likely if you have a norwood three at the relatively young age of 33, you're going to progressively lose more hair as you advance into midlife in the next 15 years.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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I was cutting up proscar into four pieces so 1.25mg everyday.


Anybody have any luck with topical anti androgens. Their has to be bunch people who had a transplant and arnt on anything and havnt lost too much more hair. According to surgeons 50/fu cm to the human eye looks full thats gotta be bs right. So if I had 3k grafts placed in my frontal 3rd 60/cm overall I could lose every hair in that area and be somewhat fine but I doubt that would be rhe case

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  • Senior Member
I was cutting up proscar into four pieces so 1.25mg everyday.


Anybody have any luck with topical anti androgens. Their has to be bunch people who had a transplant and arnt on anything and havnt lost too much more hair. According to surgeons 50/fu cm to the human eye looks full thats gotta be bs right. So if I had 3k grafts placed in my frontal 3rd 60/cm overall I could lose every hair in that area and be somewhat fine but I doubt that would be rhe case

It's really depedent upon too many factors to say definitively on a blind internet forum.


Your skin type and tone and your hair quality and texture all play a pretty significant hand in the outcome of a procedure.


For instance, I'm a fair skinned man with dark fine hair, so when I was a norwood 3a at age 26, a 2700 graft procedure wasn't sufficient density, it helped create a hairline and get some of the basic heavy lifting started, but it was not enough to be satisfied calling it a restoration.


I went and got a second procedure as my 28th birthday present to myself, 2300 grafts to up the density.


A year later I STILL had a few weak spots despite the excellent augmentation of the second pass, so 7 months ago I went and got a third at age 32, 1800 additional grafts that are still growing in as we speak.


That makes over 6800 grafts in my frontal third, and hopefully it will be enough to create the density I want.


I couldn't begin to tell you my fu per cm, but I know I required more than the rule of thumb many claim on the internet.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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MPB is a progressive lifelong genetic trait and why anything medicinal that can be done to slow it down is worth it's weight in gold.


However some guys do experience the dreadful side-effects and why it's critical to take it under the direct advice and supervision of a licensed physician who can potentially alter the strength and dosage. Many times the doctor will advise to take 1mg every other day or less frequent as finasteride has a long shelf life in the body.


Topical finasteride or other forms of anti-androgens have not been around long enough to really track their efficiency from a clinical trial standpoint.


Hopefully they will prove to be efficient and without the sides.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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...some guys do experience the dreadful side-effects and why it's critical to take it under the direct advice and supervision of a licensed physician who can potentially alter the strength and dosage.


What kind of side-effects?


Does the risk in any way outweigh the reward?


I am thinking, that long term issues probably aren't worth it. Is that what you are talking about? Or is it something that is going to go away after a while?


And if it lasts as long as you take the drugs, and you never stop taking them, then it is as good as permanent, right?


Any help putting my fears to rest would be very much appreciated.

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What kind of side-effects?


Does the risk in any way outweigh the reward?


I am thinking, that long term issues probably aren't worth it. Is that what you are talking about? Or is it something that is going to go away after a while?


And if it lasts as long as you take the drugs, and you never stop taking them, then it is as good as permanent, right?


Any help putting my fears to rest would be very much appreciated.

Long term is a relative thing in the case of finasteride, there are no 30 or 40 year studies of effects on people far down the road, but to date nothing alarming has been found, at least nothing that can't be rectified by discontinuation of the drug.


A very small portion of men have sexual side effects in the form of weak erections or an inability to maintain one.


A vast majority of this already near minuscule slice of the data are people well into midlife, and not younger patients.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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One thing we know for sure is that we all respond differently to medications whether they are for hair loss or other medical conditions.


I imagine only the guys who do not experience sexual side-effects from finasteride would say that the rewards outweigh the risk. But as Speegs stated, the clinical studies have not been around long enough to know the full ramifications of taking low dose finasteride for the long term.


The good thing is that for most guys, they will cease the side-effects once they stop taking finasteride.


And this is why taking this medication should only be done under the direct advice and supervision of a licensed physician.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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