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Dear all


I will be visiting the offices of Dr. Jones in October. Just prior to my visit I will be shaving my hair progressively down and photographing the results. I will eventually end up with a number 1 cut (3mm) but expect to see photographs with the hair at 12mm, 9mm, 6mm as well as 3mm. This will clarify the success of my scar repair (which has been very difficult to do with my hair as it is) after seven and a half months. Dr. Jones and I will then decide if further grafts are needed into the scar and if so they will be done at this time. Watch my site for the photo's and updates.


I have updated my site a little so feel free to have a visit.

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Dear all


I will be visiting the offices of Dr. Jones in October. Just prior to my visit I will be shaving my hair progressively down and photographing the results. I will eventually end up with a number 1 cut (3mm) but expect to see photographs with the hair at 12mm, 9mm, 6mm as well as 3mm. This will clarify the success of my scar repair (which has been very difficult to do with my hair as it is) after seven and a half months. Dr. Jones and I will then decide if further grafts are needed into the scar and if so they will be done at this time. Watch my site for the photo's and updates.


I have updated my site a little so feel free to have a visit.

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  • Senior Member

Long time no see!

Was just wondering whether you could comment a bit on why you decided to stop Dutasteride. Did you experience any hair loss as a result?

3045 FUs with Dr Victor Hasson on 8 June 2004

1836 FUs with Dr Jeffrey Epstein on 2 March 2006

Regimen: 1.25mg Proscar every other day

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I just felt that it had no additional benefit over my use of Finasteride alone. Fin stopped my hairloss and fin with Avodart stop my hairloss. Neither re-grew any hair (I think).


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  • Senior Member

Hi Whoops,


Yes I can see your reasoning for discontinuing dutasteride since finasteride is working good efficiency for you.


Most of the men I have known who decided on using dutasteride did so because finasteride "did not" seem to provide any results and continued to lose their hair. Dutasteride does inhibit both Type I and Type II DHT.


Possibly some drug manufacturer will develop a dutasteride product for treating MPB.


Glad to hear you're keeping your hair! icon_smile.gif


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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As long as it is 48 x 48 pixels it should work fine. Brando's avatar is custom. So was the one I just took down. You may just have to work witha picture in photoshop for a bit to get it sized and cropped right.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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actually, it looks like you can't now. Prior to the system upgrade you could, and if you had your own prior to it, then it carried over. Now it looks like you can only have a limited avatar as the forum allows.


Robert, you prolly can change it up because you have special permissions.

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  • Senior Member

HBT and everyone else,


Sorry about the confusion. Everyone can now add their own custom avatars. To do this, simply:


1) Click on your user name.


2) View your profile.


3) At the top right corner you will see "View/Edit Complete Profile" Click on this.


4) Scroll down until you see the avatar box. Click "edit"


5) Above the forums avatar selection you will see "Custom Avatar" Click this.


6) You can enter a URL for your avatar or upload one from your hard drive, provided that it is 48 x 48 pixels. Then select "Update Avatar" and you are set to roll.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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