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Dr Hasson or Dr Rahal Help me decide

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I consulted and met with both. See my write-up in the link below. It really depends what your goals are, and what you are looking to achieve. I.e. Are you a lower NW looking for hairline work or a higher NW looking to get the most coverage in a single procedure. Rahal for the former and Hasson if the latter. Both are different, and both have different styles. Can I also recommend you meet with both in person before you decide? That way they can evaluate your hair in person, and you will get a good gut feel as to which gameplan resonates best with you.


Hope it helps




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. Can I also recommend you meet with both in person before you decide? That way they can evaluate your hair in person, and you will get a good gut feel as to which gameplan resonates best with you.



Hello, mav23100gunther ,


Let us say that you consult with a doctor yet something in your gut tells you he may not be a good fit for you despite the fact that his results are excellent. Would you go withr your gut or results of his work?

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Hello, mav23100gunther ,


Let us say that you consult with a doctor yet something in your gut tells you he may not be a good fit for you despite the fact that his results are excellent. Would you go withr your gut or results of his work?


I personally usually always go with my gut. When deciding on my 2nd procedure, my gut was actually telling me to go with Dr Hasson over Dr Rahal, because I did not have that good a consultation with him as I caught him on a bad day. It was so close, but I got some excellent insight from Jo T (who cannot be named) and I just thought that Dr Rahal was better suited for what I was looking for, so rolled the dice and with him, and he absolutely delivered. Hasson would probably have gotten more grafts with a bigger strip, but Rahal gave me a killer hairline and I am over the moon with what he delivered.


Hope it helps you Taurus / Milo. I know you have been researching and going back and fourth on this for years, but my advice is if your gut feel is that the surgeon is not the best fit for you, then absolutely listen to it. He may deliver an outstanding result, but if he delivered a result that wasn't what you are looking for, then it is always going to bug you. I.e. If you didn't like the hairline design he gave you, yet you went with it anyway, I guarantee you that it will bother you every time you see it in the mirror. You are looking for high density, so do not pick a surgeon who is not going to give you that high density. Even if the result is good, it will bother you when you look in the mirror or feel your hair and realize it's not as dense as you wanted it to be, even if it's just a little off, it will eat at you.


Hope that helps mate

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mav23100gunther, I am lover NW, need 2000 for the hairline. What made you decide to go with Dr. Rahal?


Sounds like Rahal is most likely a better fit for you. It was so close choosing between the two of them, and I actually connected more with Dr Hasson when I met with both of them in person. What ultimately threw me to Rahal was the hairlines the guy delivers. I literally spent hours and hours looking at patient pictures from both surgeons, and I won't lie, I wanted a Rahal hairline. Now that I have a Rahal hairline, I am completely and utterly over the moon. Dr Hasson will be more conservative with the hairline than Dr Rahal, although Dr Hasson is more aggressive when removing the strip to shoot for more grafts. He will most likely estimate a higher number of lifetime grafts he believes can be grabbed. There are pros and cons to that too. Pros being more lifetime grafts with Hasson (if you think you will need every last one of them). The con is that there is an increased risk of the scar stretching, especially if Hasson was too aggressive in cutting out the strip. Dr Rahal was extremely conservative in the strip he cut for me, although I did tell him not to try push it. Also, there are small differences such as the fact that Dr Rahal makes incisions with needles, whilst Dr Hasson uses custom cut blades. Also Rahal uses sutures and Hasson staples. If aftercare is more important to you, then the aftercare post op provided by the Rahal clinic is phenominal, whilst the aftercare at H&W non-existent. Rahal's clinic followed up with me regularly leading up to the procedure, weekly for the first month afterward, and then monthly until 3 months, again at 6 month, 9 months, and at 1 year post op. Looks like with H&W, you won't hear from them again after the procedure unless you call them


Bottom line, for me, it was the Rahal hairline that got me. In the future, when I need to work on my midsection and/or crown, then it's no slam dunk I will return to Dr Rahal. In fact, if I were to get that specific work done today, Inwould lean towards Dr Hasson or Dr Ron Shapiro


Hope it helps

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Hello, mav23100gunther,


I tried looking for your image gallery on the forum but could not find it. Would appreciate it if you can provide a link. Would like to see your before and after. Good luck.


Ditto for you. You keep asking for advice, but no pics other than in the links provided by STIG. Share some pics.


My pics are spread out in the link below. You are not going to like them as Dr Rahal did not go high density over a large area. He only focused on the frontal third so the midscalp wasn't touched and is see through. Just pointing that out as I already know what you are going to say




Can we refocus this thread back to the original topic. If you want advice, create your own thread and post some pictures

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My pics are spread out in the link below. You are not going to like them as Dr Rahal did not go high density over a large area. He only focused on the frontal third so the midscalp wasn't touched and is see through. Just pointing that out as I already know what you are going to say





Hello, mav23100gunther,


I just looked at your images, appreciate the link. Hey it is a good turnout. Wondering if you will get another procedure done to add density to cover the front and top parts? It is not that I do not like it but those areas appear a bit sparse, with all due respect to you. But good enough turnout though. It would be a great result if you got another procedure in those areas.


No need to get testy about your transplant. You are doing well. Appreciate the images to your link. Good luck!

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Hello, mav23100gunther,


I just looked at your images, appreciate the link. Hey it is a good turnout. Wondering if you will get another procedure done to add density to cover the front and top parts? It is not that I do not like it but those areas appear a bit sparse, with all due respect to you. But good enough turnout though. It would be a great result if you got another procedure in those areas.


No need to get testy about your transplant. You are doing well. Appreciate the images to your link. Good luck!


Thanks Taurus - It's a great turnout considering where I started from. The sparse areas are not really visible unless you tower over me, which not many people do. At some point I will go for another pass to address those areas, but I need to manage my remaining donor supply of grafts, and as it currently does not bother me, I am good for now. I am also dating a really hot girl now, so it really worked for me. I have a great hairline that has made me look a decade younger, so can live with the sparseness.

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Thanks Taurus - It's a great turnout considering where I started from. The sparse areas are not really visible unless you tower over me, which not many people do. At some point I will go for another pass to address those areas, but I need to manage my remaining donor supply of grafts, and as it currently does not bother me, I am good for now. I am also dating a really hot girl now, so it really worked for me. I have a great hairline that has made me look a decade younger, so can live with the sparseness.


Hello mav23100gunther,


Very good to hear that. But as a correction I am not taurus. Hopefully you can cover those areas if possible. I know it can be frustrating when hair is unevenly distributed and creates a see through look in some areas of the scalp. My friend from work is in the same boat. He is frustrated that he cannot do anything about that same uneven look. His doctor said that adding hair to cover those see through areas can create risk of shock loss. So he is stuck. Good luck my friend.


Keep us posted and keep up the good work. Good luck!

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Hello mav23100gunther,


Very good to hear that. But as a correction I am not taurus. Hopefully you can cover those areas if possible. I know it can be frustrating when hair is unevenly distributed and creates a see through look in some areas of the scalp. My friend from work is in the same boat. He is frustrated that he cannot do anything about that same uneven look. His doctor said that adding hair to cover those see through areas can create risk of shock loss. So he is stuck. Good luck my friend.


Keep us posted and keep up the good work. Good luck!


The see through look really seems to bother you a lot more than it bothers me. Like I said, it doesn't bother me at all because most people can't even notice it. It is easily covered up by a sprinkle of Toppik, but I don't even bother with that. Great point about the shock loss and another reason I would be careful about getting that work done.

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The see through look really seems to bother you a lot more than it bothers me. Like I said, it doesn't bother me at all because most people can't even notice it. It is easily covered up by a sprinkle of Toppik, but I don't even bother with that. Great point about the shock loss and another reason I would be careful about getting that work done.


Hello mav23100gunther,


The see through look really does not bother me at all. I am just sympathetic towards those who suffer from it, more or less. Hair is an important thing to us men. It seems like we are competing against nature and when nature has the upper hand it makes me mad no matter the advances we have made in tech, procedures, medication, etc.


Appreciate the reply. Good luck with everything.

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