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I think it's time to do some serious research

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I'm very glad that I found such a great forum for researching hair transplants. I have been reading many of the posts here and have learned so much in such a short time. I am not new to hair loss and have been fighting it for about 5 years. I have been taking Propecia with decent success but I feel it's time to fill in the balding areas. Most of it is in the crown and top of my head. My hairline is still in tact so I think I am holding steady and would benefit from a hair transplant. I'm prematurely graying so my hair is starting to look salt and pepper which I read is good when having a hair transplant.


I'd like to know what some of my first steps should be in my research. What questions do I need to ask and are the costs about the same for most doctors or can it vary widely.


Thanks for any help that you can provide.

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  • Senior Member

Welcome to the board! It sounds like you've taken the right first step. This forum is a goldmine of information and there are many knowledgeable and helpful members here.


Your next step should be to acquaint yourself with the list of recommended doctors and evaluate their before/after photos. All the doctors in the coalition have proven results. You can't go wrong with any of them but they do vary in price and approach. The best doctor for you may not be the best for the next guy. Once you've narrowed down your top choices, schedule a few online consultations and see what they recommend. Don't limit yourself by cost or distance.


I hope that helps you to proceed in your search. I'm sure there are folks here with much more advice to contribute.


Best of luck!



David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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The hardest step for me was to actually make an appointment to see an HT doc. It was easy for me to sit on the couch and read a bunch of testimonials, which is definitely required to make the right decision, but I'd say pick up the phone and go in for a consult. Pick a forum doc in your area and swing by his clinic. Its free and at a minimum he'll tell you if you're a suitable candidate.

- badger

3279 grafts with Dr Gabel - 06/12/08


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Gabel

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