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Did anyone feel unsafe travelling to Turkey for their HT?


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  • Regular Member

I've had a consultation with Dr. Koray Erdogan and I'm really impressed with his work which is why he's the one I'm favoring. My only issue is I feel very nervous travelling to Turkey from Canada based on the recent terrorist attacks in Istanbul. Can anyone give me their experiences on how safe they felt travelling from abroad for their procedure


Thanks a lot

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  • Regular Member
I've had a consultation with Dr. Koray Erdogan and I'm really impressed with his work which is why he's the one I'm favoring. My only issue is I feel very nervous travelling to Turkey from Canada based on the recent terrorist attacks in Istanbul. Can anyone give me their experiences on how safe they felt travelling from abroad for their procedure


Thanks a lot


You are going to fly there aren't you? More planes probably crash each year than number of major terrorist attacks each year in the civilized world. Its all about odds when deciding how much to worry. I think you need to think about the your HT and how comfortable you feel with that. I am from Canada as well and debating Dr Erdogan, but the mega FUE sessions regardless of Norwood has me debating. What is your quote of grafts and what Norwood are you. The quality of his work is incredible.

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The plus with ASMED is the clinic is not located in a major tourist area and is in more of a quiet business district and I doubt a single HT patient/lone traveler would be singled out but there are no guarantees especially given the current geopolitical situation, not to mention the latest incident that just happened this weekend in Turkey.


There was even one guy here on HRN who was caught up in the coup last summer during his stay at ASMED and said he didn't feel so unsafe. You can search for his post on it on this forum.


Overall your biggest risks will be at the airports, public transportation and places where large numbers of tourists gather. Check out the various government travel warnings out there and decide if the risk is worth it or not.

You could always try to put the surgery off until things quiet down in Turkey as well.

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


HSRP10's favorite FUT surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr Hasson, Dr. Rahal

HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

(*indicates actual experience with doctor)

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  • Regular Member

The procedure itself doesn't worry me in the slightest. I'm a norwood 2 and Dr.Koray Erdogan recommended 3200 grafts. My main concern here is travelling to Turkey..as Far as I'm concerned his work is so amazing that i'd be willing to risk travelling there. I was just wanting to hear peoples person opinions first on how safe they felt. My plan when going there is to get picked up at the airport with the Asmed driver, goto the clinic, stay there, get the procedure done, and fly home the next day. I have no intentions on going on public transit or going to main tourist areas besides the airport. I just want to know if anyone ever felt unsafe to go at any time....thanks

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  • Senior Member

I'm travelling to Istanbul tomorrow and I'm more concerned with the procedure than my safety whilst I'm there. As you say I'm not planning on doing any sight seeing and will be largely confined to the hotel for the duration of my stay.


There is a chance of a terrorist attack where ever you are in the world nowadays. Aside from the airport if you just stay in your hotel whilst not being at Asmed I'm sure it will be fine. If Erdogan is the man you want then I wouldn't let the recent attacks deter you. Nearly all attacks have been focused in places where large crowds would gather.


I will be starting my own thread tomorrow so will post on how I find it when I'm over there.

First Transplant: 5000 FUE grafts with Dr Koray Erdogan ASMED, December 2016


First Hair Transplant link: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/185564-5000-grafts-fue-13th-14th-december-asmed-dr-erdogan.html



Hair loss regime


Propecia 1mg daily

Saw Palmetto 450mg daily

Biotin 1000ug daily

MSM 1500mg daily

Pumpkin Seed Oil 1000mg daily

1% Nizoral shampoo weekly

Lasercomb x 3 weekly

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