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Hi everyone,


For quite a while I'm really insecure and stressed about my receded hairline. I think I'm inbewteen NWII, NWIII. A while ago I ordered a hairsystem, cut out a part and put it on the receding part (I wear my hair in such a style so it wont show the hairline). Yet I am really scared for the ingredients that are inside of the tapes and adhesives.


After trying out the piece for half a year I really consider going for a hairtransplant to lower the receded hairline a little bit.

I'm 21 years old and won't expect my hairline to recede that much further, my receded hairline is almost identical to my dad's. I think I'll be very happy with about 700-1000 grafts.


I've got quite some questions:


1. Is it possible to have a hairtransplant even after the use of hairpiece tape?


2. Do I have to take minox/fina etc. after the hairtransplant? (I'd rather not since I really don't want to take the risk of the side effects, even if they're small)


3. Are there more people of my age who had a hairtransplant?


4. Is the transfered hair quality similar to the rest of the hair?


5. I once read a story about someone who still felt the pain in the back of his head after the transplant for a long time.


I hope I can get some answers on some of these questions.


Thanks in advance.




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  • Senior Member

I would answer yes to all of your questions and I don't think your scenario in question #5 is typical with top clinics. Honestly at your age, my advice would be to get on Fin for at least a year or 2 and see how you tolerate and respond to it before you do anything else. If you are willing and able to stay on Fin daily for the rest of your life than I think it's possible to have something done but I would make sure you go to a top doctor. They will make sure that your hairline is appropriate and not placed too low. If you aren't going to take meds I would strongly suggest not getting anything done at your age. If you are already losing hair at 21, chances are you are going to lose a lot more if you aren't on meds. I think with not taking Fin, you are setting yourself up for a potential disaster down the road. Good luck with everything.

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  • Senior Member

Hi LKloss,


In response to your questions,


1. Is it possible to have a hair transplant even after the use of hairpiece tape?


I would say yes it is.


2. Do I have to take minox/fina etc. after the hairtransplant? (I'd rather not since I really don't want to take the risk of the side effects, even if they're small)


I would recommend taking the above meds for at least the 6 months following your transplant. However because of you age it is likely your native hair will continue to recede at its natural pace once you are off the meds.


3. Are there more people of my age who had a hairtransplant?


There are people of your age having minor transplants to maybe restore the hairline or temples or crown but I would suspect nothing major. If you are receding already at 21 and you wish to live the next few decades with hair then you need to be prepared to save your precious grafts for repeat surgeries. If you go all gung-ho for a super high density hairline then that hairline will probably turn into an unsightly island in the future once the native hair behind it continues to recede. It is important for you at such a young age to plan ahead. It may well be worth considering the option of beard/body hair to act as filler in order to preserve your precious scalp grafts.


4. Is the transferred hair quality similar to the rest of the hair?


The hair should be the same quality as from where it was taken once it has matured over an approximate 12 month period.


5. I once read a story about someone who still felt the pain in the back of his head after the transplant for a long time.


The pain in the back of the head can linger for a few months in some patients, everybody heals differently. I do recall I had a very occasional lightning sensation pain in the back of my head for some time following my own transplant. Nothing severe, about a 1 or 2 out of 10. You do get used to it and it certainly doesn't affect your day to day life, in fact in a strange kind of way I actually missed it when it went.


I hope that clarifies a few things for you. Of course they are my opinions, others may differ in their advice.

Edited by Shera
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