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Opinions on what oils/ingredients to avoid after HT?

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Hello everyone,


I've been reading a few threads on the benefits of coconut oil, emu oil, castor oil, agran oil - but I have also read threads that condrodict these opinions. I've also had members warn me about tea tree oil and how it can cause damage to the grafts. I've been using an aloe Vera plant (16 days post op) once a day, and California baby super sensitive baby shampoo, but is there anything I should stay away from other than tea tree oil? (Don't know which shampoo to buy that have dht blocking ingredients, and won't be to harsh)


After speaking to my Dr, I picked up t/gel & t/sal and will use post op 30 days, once a week. I also have Nizoral, and will use post op 90 days, once a week for 8 weeks. However, I truly don't know what other shampoo, oils, etc to use post op 30 days that won't cause a negative impact on the grafts and will actually help promote growth all around. Some members have suggested Regenepure DR/NT, yet others have said the Keto amounts are still on the high side and can be too harsh. Side note, also taking biotin, msm, rogaine foam (once a day), and fin 1mg daily (for now, but may taper down if begin to experience side effects.) Figured I'd make a thread to get some updated opinions and reviews. Thanks in advance.

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Hi Reyes,


Are you using oils to combat dryness and or dandruff, or were you just using them before the procedure?

Coconut oil is one of the lesser "evils" out there and a patient advisor from another famous clinic recommended it to me after one of my FUE procedures. Don't think you can do any harm using organic coconut oil.


If you're looking for a shampoo to combat hairloss, I would just use a mild shampoo other guys recommend here. The other items you mentioned above are mainly used for seborrheic dermatitis/scalp eczema and are not ideal after a HT (T/gel, T-sal, Nizoral)

As you know myself and Spex and others really recommend avoiding any heavy Nizoral use until after your transplanted hair has fully grown in, if you need to use it for scalp issues then only 1-2 times a week.


Oh and I would avoid hairsprays and gel too for at least couple mosts post-op.

And even for aloe vera (sometimes contains alcohol) and baby shampoo check the ingredients carefully.


Some clinics out there sell their own brand of shampoos so may want to check those as well.

Edited by hsrp10

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


HSRP10's favorite FUT surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr Hasson, Dr. Rahal

HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

(*indicates actual experience with doctor)

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I have mixed feelings when it comes to the oils in the post-op period. I don't think they will directly damage the grafts. However, they do seem like a good environment for that type of build-up that bacteria love. I don't like the idea of bacteria having a comfortable home on the scalp while there are thousands of healing wounds AND thousands of fragile new grafts up there. Now, I have heard that some oils (and I believe coconut was one of them) are actually a little bit anti-bacterial, so maybe it is a case-by-case basis. But make sure to ask your clinic their specific thoughts before putting oils up there in the post-op period.

Dr. Blake Bloxham is recommended by the Hair Transplant Network.



Hair restoration physician - Feller and Bloxham Hair Transplantation


Previously "Future_HT_Doc" or "Blake_Bloxham" - forum co-moderator and editorial assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, Hair Restoration Network, Hair Loss Q&A blog, and Hair Loss Learning Center.


Click here to read my previous answers to hair loss and hair restoration questions, editorials, commentaries, and educational articles.


Now practicing hair transplant surgery with Coalition hair restoration physician Dr Alan Feller at our New York practice: Feller and Bloxham Hair Transplantation.


Please note: my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • Regular Member
Hi Reyes,


Are you using oils to combat dryness and or dandruff, or were you just using them before the procedure?

Coconut oil is one of the lesser "evils" out there and a patient advisor from another famous clinic recommended it to me after one of my FUE procedures. Don't think you can do any harm using organic coconut oil.


If you're looking for a shampoo to combat hairloss, I would just use a mild shampoo other guys recommend here. The other items you mentioned above are mainly used for seborrheic dermatitis/scalp eczema and are not ideal after a HT (T/gel, T-sal, Nizoral)

As you know myself and Spex and others really recommend avoiding any heavy Nizoral use until after your transplanted hair has fully grown in, if you need to use it for scalp issues then only 1-2 times a week.


Oh and I would avoid hairsprays and gel too for at least couple mosts post-op.

And even for aloe vera (sometimes contains alcohol) and baby shampoo check the ingredients carefully.


Some clinics out there sell their own brand of shampoos so may want to check those as well.





Thank you for the detailed reply! Appreciate your input. At the moment, I am using a peeled Aloe Vera plant, and just dab the natural goo on the grafts once a day. I want to say it helps, because I barely have any scabs left, but I still have crusts and a peeling scalp. I also use California baby super sensitive baby shampoo from whole foods, and I couldn't find anything in the ingredients that said alcohol. I've never used any oils, and some say tea tree oil can damage the grafts.


I am simply trying to steer in the right direction taking care of my hair and scalp this time around, after my HT. As far as shampoo, which in particular were you referring to? I've read mixed reviews, but some say Regenepure DR is good and others use ultralax hair surge, both have small amounts of Ketoconazole. I definitely read up on the threads you and Spex made, and I definitely will be using those therapeutic shampoo's just once a week. The Nizoral, once a week for 8 weeks only as peri structures, 30 or 90 days post op. Dr said 30 days post op is fine, but I may wait 90 days to keep it on the safe side, at least with the Nizoral. Thanks again, hsrp10!




I have mixed feelings when it comes to the oils in the post-op period. I don't think they will directly damage the grafts. However, they do seem like a good environment for that type of build-up that bacteria love. I don't like the idea of bacteria having a comfortable home on the scalp while there are thousands of healing wounds AND thousands of fragile new grafts up there. Now, I have heard that some oils (and I believe coconut was one of them) are actually a little bit anti-bacterial, so maybe it is a case-by-case basis. But make sure to ask your clinic their specific thoughts before putting oils up there in the post-op period.




Thank you much for the input! I agree. I can't imagine the heavy crust and peeling being a healthy environment for hair growth. I've heard good things about coconut oil as well, but not good things about tea tree oil (which some shampoo's have in the ingredients) and some members have warned me about the damage it can cause to the grafts. I will definitely run it by my Dr before using anything though.Thanks again, Dr. Bloxham! Greatly appreciate your advise!

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Ok got it Reyes, you're trying to deal with post-op scalp issues yeah?


I would use organic coconut oil or peanut oil, or if used briefly then virgin olive oil.

The olive oil can cause itching if left on too long, but would be the best for softening up things on your scalp post op.make sure to wash it off when done.


After my FUE procedure before I used this 1% hydrocortisone cream which really helped with dry crusty donor post-op. Ask Dr. k. if it would be OK to use sparingly in the recipient are a few weeks pots-op. Kirkland brand with Aloe.


Oh and don't use minoxidil at this stage as it can irritate and dry the scalp.


Edited by hsrp10

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


HSRP10's favorite FUT surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr Hasson, Dr. Rahal

HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

(*indicates actual experience with doctor)

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Ok got it Reyes, you're trying to deal with post-op scalp issues yeah?


I would use organic coconut oil or peanut oil, or if used briefly then virgin olive oil.

The olive oil can cause itching if left on too long, but would be the best for softening up things on your scalp post op.make sure to wash it off when done.


After my FUE procedure before I used this 1% hydrocortisone cream which really helped with dry crusty donor post-op. Ask Dr. k. if it would be OK to use sparingly in the recipient are a few weeks pots-op. Kirkland brand with Aloe.


Oh and don't use minoxidil at this stage as it can irritate and dry the scalp.



Hsrp10, Thank you for the input! I will start with the coconut oil and see how that goes! Have you read anything on tea tree oil being caustic on grafts? I'd like to look into one of those DHT blocking shampoo's but some have tea tree oil and I've had members tell me that can be harmful to grafts. Have you used Regenepure DR? Thanks again for your time and help!

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Anytime man, I actually bought pure tea tree oil and never used on my scalp but I can attest that it's quite strong stuff as an ingredient in terms of potent smell and in pure form it kind of burned the test area I put it on briefly. Might want to consider tea tree oil shampoos after your transplanted hair has grown in a long while.


Since I suffer from chronic seborrheic dermatitis/scalp eczema I've probably tried ever shampoo out there at one time or another, literally.

I found that in my case no shampoo works best and my hair is healthier and I now never suffer any sheds from shampoos. I do use some 2% nizroal on my sides and back hair occasionally as well as mild dandruff shampoo all over once a week (Kerium by La Roche-Posay).


Many years ago I tried Regenpure DR as many people on here recommend it, thought the smell and shampoo texture was "interesting" but it was not something I used for a long time.

Some reviews on amazon say they've changed the ingredients so not sure how popular it is these days.


If you don't have any lasting scalp issues after the recipient area heals I would just use a mild shampoo and also wash frequently.

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


HSRP10's favorite FUT surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr Hasson, Dr. Rahal

HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

(*indicates actual experience with doctor)

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After my FUE procedure before I used this 1% hydrocortisone cream which really helped with dry crusty donor post-op.




That is rather interesting. Just out of curiosity is the 1% hydrocortisone cream used to combat dryness of scalp after post surgery?

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  • Regular Member
Anytime man, I actually bought pure tea tree oil and never used on my scalp but I can attest that it's quite strong stuff as an ingredient in terms of potent smell and in pure form it kind of burned the test area I put it on briefly. Might want to consider tea tree oil shampoos after your transplanted hair has grown in a long while.


Since I suffer from chronic seborrheic dermatitis/scalp eczema I've probably tried ever shampoo out there at one time or another, literally.

I found that in my case no shampoo works best and my hair is healthier and I now never suffer any sheds from shampoos. I do use some 2% nizroal on my sides and back hair occasionally as well as mild dandruff shampoo all over once a week (Kerium by La Roche-Posay).


Many years ago I tried Regenpure DR as many people on here recommend it, thought the smell and shampoo texture was "interesting" but it was not something I used for a long time.

Some reviews on amazon say they've changed the ingredients so not sure how popular it is these days.


If you don't have any lasting scalp issues after the recipient area heals I would just use a mild shampoo and also wash frequently.



Got it! Do shampoo's containing caffeine or keratin hurt grafts? I tried researching, but couldn't find a good enough answer. I am with ya on the less is more approach. I feel that after my HT I now have to be cautious of what ingredients are in shampoo's. I am thinking of maybe starting a thread for what ingredients to avoid post HT so that people can chime in. Thanks again for all your help, Hsrp10!

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  • Regular Member
Got it! Do shampoo's containing caffeine or keratin hurt grafts? I tried researching, but couldn't find a good enough answer. I am with ya on the less is more approach. I feel that after my HT I now have to be cautious of what ingredients are in shampoo's. I am thinking of maybe starting a thread for what ingredients to avoid post HT so that people can chime in. Thanks again for all your help, Hsrp10!


Great idea

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I used baby shampoo for three months after my transplant. Now I use Whole Foods 365 shampoo and conditioner. Both are unscented, very mild and contain argan oil. In between, I use Lipogaine big 3 shampoo every third day.

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Thanks for your input as usual! Appreciate the heads up with all the info you've provided. I've been meaning to pull the trigger between the Regenepure, and the Hairsurge from Ultrax. I still have some time to figure it out though as I won't be using anything with Ketoconazole up unti 90 days. I've been on the California baby super sensitive baby shampoo, and have used an alive Vera plant, and organic coconut oil to combat the peeling crust and scabs. I've also heard castor and emu oil are good for the scalp. I'll keep researching and maybe a sticky note of what to avoid post HT should be talked about, with a list of harsh chemicals/ingredients and what not. Thanks again!


milo12 said:
That is a very good question. Since I want to know as well I hope someone can answer.


+ 1, debating on whether to stay away from shampoo's with caffeine/keratin or not myself.


E39 said:
I used baby shampoo for three months after my transplant. Now I use Whole Foods 365 shampoo and conditioner. Both are unscented, very mild and contain argan oil. In between, I use Lipogaine big 3 shampoo every third day.


Thank you. What is your input on Lipogaine 3? As this is one I am considering as well to add to my weekly regimen. After 3 months post op, I was looking into Nizoral once a week for 8 weeks only, t/gel and t/sal once a week as the ongoing regimen, and up in the air between Regenepure, hair surge, and Lipogaine 3 twice a week. Aside from msm, biotin, rogaine foam and finestaride, I am thinking a shampoo with DHT blocking ingredients couldn't hurt. Thanks again for your reply!

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I like the Lipogaine big 3 shampoo. A little goes a long way and a bottle lasts for months if used every few days. It has a nice minty scent. It feels good, and is less harsh than nizoral. I'm sticking with it for now.

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  • 10 months later...
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I'm 3 weeks post op & wondering what shampoo to use. I used the sodium chloride mix they gave me at the clinic for the 1st couple of weeks. I normally use Pantene, but I read & heard that some people use baby shampoo for a while, so I'm using baby shampoo instead. I've only used the Pantene once in the past couple of weeks. How long should I use lighter shampoo until I go back to regular shampoo? Some people say use lighter stuff for a while, & others say use normal shampoo after even the first week... :confused:

2000 FUT with Dr Bernardino Arocha - August 2017

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Oil is not good? I have been using right from the 16 day PostOp, an oil that has a combination of Olive, Castorl, Rosemary, Sweet Almond, Jojoba, Grape Seed, Amla, Bhringraj, Neem and Tea Tree. I soak my head with it an hours or so before the shower.


Dr. Blake is the first one who has reasoned why oil PostOp is not a good idea. I wish my PostOp had such detailed instructions. Or at least just jot down a list of things that shouldn't be done.


Oil?! WOW!

Edited by MayiraP0chu

Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man - there's your diamond in the rough.

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Oh and on the shampoo discussion, have a look at SebaMed. Its an everyday shampoo. Its ultra mild. Free of sulphate and Paraben. And I think its incredible.

Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man - there's your diamond in the rough.

3444 Strip Grafts



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You scared me. :D I feel like I am caught by my headmaster or something.


DrBlakeBloxham said:


I have mixed feelings when it comes to the oils in the post-op period. I don't think they will directly damage the grafts. However, they do seem like a good environment for that type of build-up that bacteria love. I don't like the idea of bacteria having a comfortable home on the scalp while there are thousands of healing wounds AND thousands of fragile new grafts up there. Now, I have heard that some oils (and I believe coconut was one of them) are actually a little bit anti-bacterial, so maybe it is a case-by-case basis. But make sure to ask your clinic their specific thoughts before putting oils up there in the post-op period.


This is there in the very beginning of the thread.

Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man - there's your diamond in the rough.

3444 Strip Grafts



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