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SMP in Melbourne, Victoria

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  • Regular Member

Has anyone here had SMP done in Melbourne? Where, and happy /not happy, recommendations etc? Anyone here happy to show me their results, even in person? I shave my head every morning now and so am ready to continue with SMP - I have a very good hairline still, minus my temples, so I assume I'd be quite a good candidate. Thanks

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Thanks for the recommendation Mikey - I wasn't aware of their company so I'll give them a go.


So far I've had initials consultation with two Melbourne-based clinics:


Face and Hair Clinic, Albert Park: They specialise in "temporary" SMP, which is what I'm after, so that pleased me. Also the consultation was with the doctor herself, and she seemed very honest and down to earth, so I liked my consultation with her. Their prices were also quite reasonable - $800 for the first two sessions and ~$500 for a third, if required. The only thing holding me back was the lack of previous results - she only had 2-3 examples of previous clients, with quite poor quality photos, poor lighting etc. and I'm not willing to take the "gamble" on that unfortunately.


Vinci, also in Albert Park: They only do "permanent" SMP, which is really what I don't want, also they're quite expensive - $5,500. They have a heap of good results to show off however, which was very encouraging, including the gent himself giving the consultation! He also offered to show me SMP being undertaken which was fantastic. If I was after "permanent" SMP(which I'm not) I'd be quite keen to go ahead.


I'll give your recommendation of 'SMP Adelaide' a go - it seems like an odd name, since they have a Melbourne office, and also another clinic I've found - "The Look", in Richmond. The Look seem to do temporary SMP so I hope they have some good results(and a good price too) to show off.

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  • Senior Member

Hi Tanner,

There's also SMP Clinic in Sydney who are a Beauty Medical-trained clinic, too. But all BM-trained clinics go through the same training and should be using the same protocol.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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