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Canadian Rogaine


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  • Regular Member



I am currently on Finasteride and am tempted to add Rogaine to my regimen, although I am somewhat scared of the possible shedding in the first few months.


In Canada we can find Rogaine foam over the counter, although the packaging doesn't mention ''Unscented'' as compared to the american version of the packaging. .


Anyone knows if I have to expect somewhat of a scent with the Canadian Rogaine?


Or is it exactly the same thing that's sold in the US?


I would buy it to test it... but they sell it 140$ here so I would rather not make a mistake ahahah!


Thanks in advance for your help !!

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Interesting question. I was unaware that there was a difference between Rogaine you can purchase over the counter in Canada vs. The USA. I'm honestly not sure if there is a scent or not...but if it doesn't say unscented, it's possible there is one. Is the scent that bothersome to you?


I do agree with other's suggestions though - you can buy the unscented formula online and have it shipped.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member

I am booked for an FUT in about 3 months.


I was originally only using finasteride, but I plan on adding rogaine to my treatment regimen.


Is it worth starting now, even if I know I'll have to stop for some weeks around my FUT in 3 months, or should I just wait after the FUT before starting?


Thanks for your opinions!

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  • Senior Member

I would say leave it for now as your on the main number 1 medication.

How long you been on Fin?


I tossed both at the same time (2 yrs ago) & now im thinking which one has been the more productive med, so holding back may be a better move IMO as it will take out the guesswork.

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