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Rogaine and Frontal Baldness


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Has anyone here used Rogaine with success in treating frontal baldness? My doctor recommended using it on the front of my scalp and it seems to have made my hair receed even more on the strip I usually put it on. Any medical info or personal experiences would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Has anyone here used Rogaine with success in treating frontal baldness? My doctor recommended using it on the front of my scalp and it seems to have made my hair receed even more on the strip I usually put it on. Any medical info or personal experiences would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Despite what some may tell you, I do believe Propecia and Rogaine might have marginal benefit in the frontal scalp region. These treatments work much better in thinning areas and aren't proven to grow hair in completely bald areas - only hair transplant surgery is.


However, if you are working to prevent further hairline recession, your best bet is to try Propecia and Rogaine. Be sure to research how these medications work and become familiar with their potential side effects before using the medication.


Best wishes,



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