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Very visible FUT scar

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I'm only a couple days out of surgery so it's no surprise the scar is at its worse now, but when I'm back to work in a week and a half I'm a little worried it's going to be really obvious. I'm hoping the following make a huge difference:


- it will have healed more and be less red then

- I can't wash my hair with my hands yet, so my hair is very thin and clogged together (like it looks when you get really sweaty)

- my hair will be a little longer. It was longer enough to cover the scar line, but quite a bit has been shaved around it.


Did anyone else who had FUT first look at their scar and think, "Wow it looks like someone's sliced my head off and reattached it!"


Really happy with the placements, it's just this which concerns me.

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In only another week or two, I wouldn't expect any real visible differences in your scar. If you're concerned about the appearance at this stage, you could consider applying concealer such as Dermmatch or Toppik to the scar and owner area which will most likely mask it for a while until it heals. That's honestly the best advice I can give because ultimately, this car needs a good six months plus to heal and for any shocked hairs to return.


I would love to be able to give you better news about quick scar healing but, things do take a little while to heal just as the hair transplant itself takes a while to grow.


Best wishes,



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I think that the period from 0-90 days is very hard after any HT. Whether you have FUT or FUE, it is difficult to fully conceal that you had something done, you will have an odd look, potentially visible scars, crusting, swelling, etc. The first 30 days are the worst, when people clearly look like they had something done. After that it gets better, but shock loss is real and affects your appearance and takes time to go away. The good news is that all of these things get better with time, but time passes slowly when you are waiting for hair to grow.

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