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Random question about Vertex Baldness

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So I had a transplant about 6 weeks ago and a lot of grafts were implanted in the vertex area but I realized that there is this lower area (inside red circle) that is receding only since last year. Now where do you see my hairline in the next five years knowing that I am 29 years old have been on meds(Minox and Fin) for the past 7 years ? Also will the transplanted area above cover this future "bold" patch?





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Transplanting into the crown at a younger age (typically 35 or younger for most physicians) is a highly debated topic. Some docs never transplant into the crown feeling that there is never enough donor to adequately cover both the crown and future frontal loss. Some docs place number of grafts into patients with hairloss that is more stable or with patients that have been on meds for many years. It is very dependent on the patient, their age, hairloss history and the use of preventatives.



In your case, it appears that you have had a good number placed into the crown. I can't tell exactly the size of your loss because the photo is zoomed in. The area you are asking about actually has a special name "coronet" (the shape of the instrument). This is just additional hairloss below and outside of the general crown thinning. It can mean that your hairloss may be more severe as you age. It is good that you have been on the meds for many years now. Hopefully they have helped to stabilize the loss that you have right now. Typically it is not a good idea to transplant into this lower area (coronet) of the crown at such a young age. Many times the hair transplanted into the crown does grow in a manner that can somewhat cover that area below.



Either way, I would maintain the current meds you are on, and wait the year for the final transplant results.

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When MPB progresses into this coronet area, it is usually an indication that class 7 is on the horizon. If it were me, I would manage my donor reserves to make sure there was enough for the frontal zone before committing any more donor to the vertex zone.


Do you have men in your family history that are class 7's such as your father, uncles, grandfathers, etc?


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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  • Senior Member

Thanks DrJosephitis and gillenator!


Yeah the family side on my mother is all class 7. I actually had 4450 grafts transplanted and atleast half of them in the frontal area (Check the below link)


FUE 4450 (Including 200 in scar) Dr.Resul Yaman - Forum By and for Hair Loss Patients


I also emailed the Dr and he said he saw realized that problem and we should start talking about this topic again 6 months from now when the growth starts


Its funny that I have been on Meds all these years and Im still going to class 7. I realized though that after the Schock loss of my first failed HT my hairloss went straight from maybe class 4 or 5 to what it is now. The progression in the last 24 months is insane compared to the past 10 years.


Thanks again for the comments

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