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P.S Im not writing this in any disrespect but I seriously want to know. Ive read some bloggers that dont like him but are there any that do? This is not intended to insult but rather to research the matter before moving to the next step. Thanks

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You are supposedly "new" to this site and your very first post is a hit piece?

This site doesn't need that sort negativity.


From what I can tell, you are not a patient of Dr. Jones or any particular doctor.


If you have a beef with Dr. Jones, or just don't like him for some strange reason, then use your REAL name and stand accountable for what you write online so Dr. Jones or any particular doctor can give you a taste of your own medicine.


Your post demonstrates your intent to malign.


Bill, how about showing this guy the door? I realize it's just symbolic because I'm sure this guy is a forum veteran who will just come back with another alias.

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It may be negative but Dr Jones has had quite a few dissatisfied patients over the years.

Im sure he has satisfied ones also but for some reason they rarely post.

I appreciate his experiment with A-cell but his work is average at best.

He tried to get recommended on here but when he was denied he just disappeared .

Ive seen other get denied here but continue to post and prove they are worthy, and willingness to help educate

Those are the clinics I have respect for.

Just like other doctors that have contributed here get a break ,the ones that just post a pic every so often always get scrutinized a little more.

Why should we put in our free time and then praise a doc that never contributed a single thing here except a pic or two.

I say hustle your patients yourself because Im sure not going to help .

You can use this site for biz but most of us posters wont let a clinic use them if you have nothing to add to this site.

Thats one reason you get kudos Dr Feller because people appreciate your insight

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Your personal observations and comments about Dr. Jones are irrelevent for this particular thread.


The issue is the thinly veiled smear of a particular doctor by a "supposed" newbie in the form of a pointless question.


This is the kind of garbage you find on Hairsite or HLH and it should be rejected here.

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My personal observation may be irrelevant in your eyes but I answered this posters question something you FAILED to do.

Your assuming he/she is trying to smear Dr Jones purposely but have no idea what this posters true intentions are.

Yes it does SEEM a little fishy but you are not Ms Cleo so to assume this and smear this poster is almost the same thing your accusing Janna 77 of doing.

Some have different ways of trying to articulate things so until Bill removes this poster I will answer all his/her questions.

If that bothers you then ,oh well.

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Dr. Feller,


People come online here and ask about surgeons all the time whether they are recommended or not. I see nothing particularly negative about Janna77's post and appears to be asking a legitimate question and posting a few of his observations. Given that I don't see anything hostile in Janna77's tone, I'm willing to let the thread go so members of our community can address his/her legitimate questions.


As you know, we don't allow smear campaigns on this forum. However, we do allow legitimate questions and observations.


I will certainly keep an eye on this thread. If I feel that posters have the intent to malign, I will respond accordingly.


Best wishes,



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Why should we put in our free time and then praise a doc that never contributed a single thing here except a pic or two.


You can use this site for biz but most of us posters wont let a clinic use them if you have nothing to add to this site.



Those are some pretty distrubing statements PRP.

If you want to know why so many doctors refuse to participate on forums- read your own quotes above.

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I really don't think this thread is going to go anywhere.


Janna77 succeeded in damaging Dr. Jones' reputation and even got PGP to jump on board- so he got what he wanted.


I don't think that was a legitmate question and while I know this is obvious to seasoned viewers of this site, newbies would have no idea.


If this person were legitmate, he could have just contacetd Dr. Jones privately for links to his paitent blogs.

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Dr. Feller,


Legitimate patient members of our community ask about doctors all the time. They can be found all over this section of the forum.


As you know, operating in an environment of transparency and truth isn't always cakes and cookies. And finding a middle ground that allows patients to ask legitimate questions while protecting doctors from unfair and damaging remarks isn't easy.


However, after evaluating Janna77's question, I see no intent to malign Dr. Jones.


Members of our community have to be allowed to ask legitimate questions and share legitimate opinions, even those that aren't favorable. Thus, sometimes we have to let the cards fall where they lie and let the adult members of our community draw their own conclusions.


However, all members (patients and physicians) are bound by our terms of service. I've copied a snippet of a piece that applies here:


"You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this software service to post any material which is of a commercial or promotional nature, knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by this BB."


In the event the above or any other portion of the terms of service is violated, appropriate action will be taken.


Best wishes,



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Dr. Feller,


Seriously, I do not undertsand you! It seems to me that Janna77 May have had a consult of some type with Dr. Jones? The reason why I say this is because they said...


"This is not intended to insult but rather to research the matter before moving to the next step."


That's how I read it.

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For the record,


I do respect and appreciate what Dr. Feller is trying to do. Ultimately, he's 100% right that this forum should not become a battle ground for a smear campaign. I truly do appreciate Dr. Feller looking out for his colleagues while also desiring to maintain the integrity and rights of patients to share their legitimate opinions and experiences.


Let's get this thread back on track.



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Yes, I've heard some good things about Dr. Jones. When he was being considered for recommendation, the majority of the results had impressed this community. However, due to a few unresolved issues, we felt it was better at that time not to approve Dr. Jones for recommendation.


You can see examples of his work that he and some of his patients have presented on this forum. Using the "find" feature will bring you to them. I also recommend consulting with Dr. Jones if you are considering him for surgery.


Best wishes,



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To anyone with a brain and good eyesight Dr. Jones does not do "great" ht work. More like "Meh" work.


This site tried to put him up for Recommendation again just 7 months ago...




(Note by Moderator: Since McLovin refused to give Dr. Jones the permission he required to discuss his case openly online, this statement is removed due to speculation)


Man what a great guy Dr. feller you should totaly defend him icon_rolleyes.gif

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Thank you. I think you get where I'm coming from and I appreciate it. I really do.


Your last post was dead on and probably the most fair post I've seen written about Dr. Jones on this site. Your post shows how a review of a doctor should be made on this and every forum online.


I guess I'm just tired of the "all or nothing" mentality that seems to be permiating the forums in the past couple of years.


There is no such thing as "the best doctor" or the "worst doctor". Most of the truly bad and disfiguring doctors either changed their ways, changed careers, or retired.


I'd like to see a stop to the villification of doctors as it has really gotten out of hand. There are plenty of doctors who don't have many patient blogs online. I was just speaking with Dr. Ed Griffin of Georgia last week. He has had some awesome results, and yet you don't see many of his paitents online, should this make him a target?


In my view, those who go to the trouble to post their results REGULARLY will be at an advantage over those that don't. But that shouldn't open up doctors who choose not to participate frequently to negative pronouncements and inuendo.

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Dr. Feller,


Your last post is spot on and I couldn't agree more.


There is no BEST or WORST surgeon. I also agree that too many doctors are vilified when the evidence of the quality of their work is lacking publicly. There's nothing wrong with patients having their favorite doctors - but to malign those that aren't, is unjustified.


I think this is a topic that we can continue to speak about offline and hopefully as we put several heads together on it, will come up with a fair and reasonable solution for all.


There is no such thing as a perfect system. But I do agree there is always room for improvement.


Thanks again for your valuable feedback,



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You are making my point.

You based your vitrol about Dr. Jones on the incomplete stories presented by anonymous patients on a forum. You have absolutely no idea of the issues, facts, or people involved yet you forwarded a very very negative opinion of Dr. Jones that NEWBIES will read and believe.

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You are entitled to your opinion of his work. However, given that McLovin refused to give Dr. Jones the right to share his side of the story publicly, we will not host speculative discussion based on one side of the story. Thus, your last comment has been removed.



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  • Regular Member

Seriously, that wasnt ment to sound malicious (DR Feller) in regards to Dr Jones. Ive read his e-book and he seems legit and I just read bloggers saying bad things and just want to get a straight story. You get confusing mixed signals. P.S when you are paying $5000-10,000 for surgery you have the right to ask these questions. I have NOTHING against him I just want to hear of a good positive story about him. SorryIf I offended anyone. Thank you

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one more thing: I would never damage anyones reputation on purpose that is not in my nature. I was/am considering a surgery with him and I quite liked the guy. So Yes I want to hear some positive reviews on the Dr. I dot want to caues an uproar of unhappy people. There are probably unhappy patients from the greatest of doctors..you cant please everyone. Once again this was not the start of a smear campaign and I hope that it doesnt come across that way. Also: I would perfer to use an alias if thats okay with the rest of the group. Dr Feller, with all due respect your the doctor who gets paid quite well I would imagine to perform these surgeries we are the ones that have some humility lying there while the surgery takes place.

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Before this devolves even further I'll try and give janna77 my opinion.


The things written on this site are not favorable towards Dr. Jones, but as Bill mentioned above none of the patients gave Dr. Jones the ability to defend himself here. That's not fair to Dr. Jones. That being said, my belief is that there are better doctors out there than Dr. Jones. That is purely my subjective opinion based upon what Dr. Jones has presented here.

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Hi everybody. I have read everything that the others had said about him. I really just wanted someone to come forward to say that it was a comfortable experience and they were quite happy with the results. I dont believe unless you have had work done by him you can properly form an opinion...and thats what I was looking for. Maybe we should just close the discussion because I really dont want to harm anyones rep or cause anybody any harm. This seemed like a great site to do some research. Maybe my opening comment was alittle misunderstood...it wasnt meant to shake the bees nest. I just wanted to say that my opinion of Dr. Jones was positive based on my little experience with him. I was just shocked and concerned about what some people had written. That is all. I dont think I can make it ANY more clear that this wasnt intended to mock or smear Dr. Jones in anyway shape or form.

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This forum doesnt recommend him because his work wasnt on par with the what this community expects from a clinic.

Honestly as long as Ive been here his name has only popped up a few times.

You might want to try the other forums because thats where I got my impression from him a few years ago.

These negative comment were usually backup with pics so try and search for them.

There have been plenty of so so docs that have eventually turned themselves into really good ones so maybe he has in the last year.

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Like I said..he seemed quite nice and a few years back. He refused to operate on me at the time because he felt I should wait a bit. He suggested propecia/minox (which have worked great). I havent had an OP (yet) so he saved me money at the time.

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