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  • Regular Member

Hi all,


Wanted to let you know about the latest news from Dr. Bernstein. Here is a sample of the news release:


Hair transplant pioneer Dr. Robert M. Bernstein and his colleague Dr. William R. Rassman have received a patent on a new method that improves the outcome of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) — the type of procedure used in half of all hair transplants performed world-wide. The key invention is the addition of a delay between the creation of recipient sites and the insertion of follicular units into those sites. The delay allows the healing process to commence before grafts are inserted, resulting in increased success of the transplant and an improved outcome.


Dr. Bernstein introduced the concept of “pre-making recipient sites” into medical literature in a 2012 publication in Hair Transplant Forum International, has discussed the idea extensively, and presented findings at the 2015 ISHRS Annual Scientific Meeting. However, this is the first time he has patented a hair restoration technique.


You can read the rest on the Bernstein Medical website.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration

Schedule a consultation HERE to request a graft estimate and quote.

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Got questions? Call us at 212-826-2400 



Dr. Bernstein is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • Senior Member

Makes sense in the less time the folicals are out the better chance they will have to survive so making the sites first prior IMO can only be good.

wonder how many clinics is doing this today?

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