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****2600 grafts dr diep 5-29-16****

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I just had my first hair transplant with Dr. Diep this past Wednesday. Overall I had a good experience. I went into the surgery hoping to get 3000 grafts done, but unfortunately I was only able to do about 2600. Day of surgery lasted about 12 hours (6:30am-6:30pm). Surprisingly I didn't feel much pain during the procedure or the next few days following. It wasn't until about Friday night that I started to experience a little pain in the donor area. Friday morning was the day I choose to fly back home. I was glad I left that day, because the swelling intensified in my face and around my eyes that night and Saturday. We were unable to squeeze out the extra grafts to get the temple points filled in which was disappointing. Now I'm just hoping for good growth. Posted below are some pre-op photos and 2-day post op when I got home.


Surgery was actually 5/25/16









Edited by armstrongarland
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  • Senior Member

Wow, 12 hours for 2,600 grafts is a long day for you and Dr. Diep. I'm glad you didn't experience much pain. I'm curious as to whether you were taking any prescribed pain meds by Dr. Diep and therefore didn't experience any pain? The swelling you're speaking of is quite normal and will not cause any discomfort. You will look like you were in a boxing match for a few days but the swelling will dissipate pretty quickly. If you want to see what to expect over the next 30 days and beyond, you can look at my website (MyFUEhairtransplant.com) where I chronicled the first 30 days and beyond. This hair transplant forum is great for dialogue. My site is full of before/afters and my comments. Just click on the archives and September 2012. Good luck and happy growing.

I am an online representative for Carolina Hair Surgery & Dr. Mike Vories (Recommended on the Hair Transplant Network).

View John's before/after photos and videos:  http://www.MyFUEhairtransplant.com

You can email me at johncasper99@gmail.com

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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