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My Story and Opinions.

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I had a HT about 6 years ago. I was completely misled. I was only young at the time was sold the idea by the salesman(I never met a doctor at consultations)


The procedure was a joke- Nurse's did not turn up (personally i think they never existed)


The procedure was carried out in a back street dentist office.

Absolute joke.


I was young at the time and depressed and i felt it was the best thing to do!

My life has not been the same since. Personally now and from reading other posts i feel that the hair transplant industry is immoral. Ive never seen undetactable results ever.


Ive been to the top specialists in this country and ill tell you now my results in searching for a hair transplant reversal.


1: I was give Proscar and told to use rogain. Im still using rogain but i do not use the proscar anymore as i started to suffer from the side effects. Im still trying to determine if i stopped taking this drug early enough.


2: HT Doctors dont want to do reversals. Period!!! There is more money in it for them to Give you another transplant.


3: HT Doctors want to create an illusion of a head of hair. Do not be fooled by this statement. Believe this and you will end up like me.


-Afraid to get involved in a relationship because of the shame of the surgery you subjected yourself to.


-If you do get close to someone you wont let them touch your head in case they feel the scars you have been left with. Remember a HT Doctor is only concerned in the "Illusion" of a head of hair but when someone puts there hands through your hair what they feel tells a different story.




Say no to more procedures.


Im planning to have scar revision soon and get the plugs removed. My life has been dominated by this for too long and ive been suicidal for quite some time now. I also have problems with employment because i wont take off my hat when in public. Ive lost friends, not attended weddings or funerals. Career has suffered, I dont get involved in relationship anymore becuase of shame of it all. I just want a shaved head!


As i said im planning strip scar revision and plug removal very soon.


Im going to see my specialist and i just want to know about Fraxel treatment or dermabrasion to smooth out the cobblestoning. I do not want another Transplant. Id actually get my head tattooed id rather have a nice looking scar than little dots all over the place.


Some of these Clinics and doctors boast that they are The Best microsurgeons in the world but cant fix these scars. I say that they need to prove it. Surgeons you need to come up with a procedure to repair the damage done to me and thousands possible millions like me. Id pay any amount to get this out of my life.


Why has no one come up with a reversal???? He would be a canditate for the nobel prize if he could do this.


Anyone has any info on reversal and Fraxel or dermabrasion. I have plenty of doner hair but i keep getting advice on getting another HT. I would not recommend a HT or get another HT if my life depended on it!!!

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I had a HT about 6 years ago. I was completely misled. I was only young at the time was sold the idea by the salesman(I never met a doctor at consultations)


The procedure was a joke- Nurse's did not turn up (personally i think they never existed)


The procedure was carried out in a back street dentist office.

Absolute joke.


I was young at the time and depressed and i felt it was the best thing to do!

My life has not been the same since. Personally now and from reading other posts i feel that the hair transplant industry is immoral. Ive never seen undetactable results ever.


Ive been to the top specialists in this country and ill tell you now my results in searching for a hair transplant reversal.


1: I was give Proscar and told to use rogain. Im still using rogain but i do not use the proscar anymore as i started to suffer from the side effects. Im still trying to determine if i stopped taking this drug early enough.


2: HT Doctors dont want to do reversals. Period!!! There is more money in it for them to Give you another transplant.


3: HT Doctors want to create an illusion of a head of hair. Do not be fooled by this statement. Believe this and you will end up like me.


-Afraid to get involved in a relationship because of the shame of the surgery you subjected yourself to.


-If you do get close to someone you wont let them touch your head in case they feel the scars you have been left with. Remember a HT Doctor is only concerned in the "Illusion" of a head of hair but when someone puts there hands through your hair what they feel tells a different story.




Say no to more procedures.


Im planning to have scar revision soon and get the plugs removed. My life has been dominated by this for too long and ive been suicidal for quite some time now. I also have problems with employment because i wont take off my hat when in public. Ive lost friends, not attended weddings or funerals. Career has suffered, I dont get involved in relationship anymore becuase of shame of it all. I just want a shaved head!


As i said im planning strip scar revision and plug removal very soon.


Im going to see my specialist and i just want to know about Fraxel treatment or dermabrasion to smooth out the cobblestoning. I do not want another Transplant. Id actually get my head tattooed id rather have a nice looking scar than little dots all over the place.


Some of these Clinics and doctors boast that they are The Best microsurgeons in the world but cant fix these scars. I say that they need to prove it. Surgeons you need to come up with a procedure to repair the damage done to me and thousands possible millions like me. Id pay any amount to get this out of my life.


Why has no one come up with a reversal???? He would be a canditate for the nobel prize if he could do this.


Anyone has any info on reversal and Fraxel or dermabrasion. I have plenty of doner hair but i keep getting advice on getting another HT. I would not recommend a HT or get another HT if my life depended on it!!!

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  • Senior Member

Hallowell - I'm really sorry to hear about your situation and I am very angry about the way you were treated. People who prey on the vulnerable are a disgrace.


It sounds like you have looked into this thoroughly but just in case you are not aware, the techniques now are very different to the time when people were getting plugs. Some of the candidates I have met did have very natural looking hair IMO. I am 4 months out and there's still a long way to go but I have seen very good signs of improvement. Putting my hand through my own hair I can still feel the scar in a couple of places but it isn't fully mature yet, and I think anyone else would'nt assume anything from touching it.


Anyway, I wish you all the best. I've read some guys shave down or have shaved down with the scar, hopefully some of them will comment.

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  • Senior Member

yeah me too, i'm sorry to hear that and i feel your pain.


we all would appreciate if you could post few close up pictures of your scars, clobberstoning situation, and how your plugs look like today. there are some very good and honest doctors in this community that are posting their opinions regularly if they happened to be interested in particular topic. so if you post some close up pics, they might be able to give you some advice. imissthebarber is right, today's HTs are much more natural looking than the old school plugs or mini/micro grafting techniques that some doctors are still practicing even today.


all the best to you and good luck with fixing your problem.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Regular Member

Wow I feel your pain. Its unconscionable what some people (Drs) will do for money. Thats why this forum is so valuable. A Dr or clinic can give you a line of BS but thousands of former patients in a mostly unbiased environment like we have on the HTN will tell you like it is. There are so many blogs and images on here you should have a pretty good idea as to what todays transplant surgeons are producing. I have seen some phenomonal results with very undetectable hairlines. I have also spoken to numerous satisfied patients. I am a mere 4 months out and the difference it has made in my looks and confidence in appearance are worth every cent I spent if I never grow another hair!! You are clearly describing the plug technique of days gone by. I don't think many Drs can still make a living that way as word travels fast and you can't show any legitimate before and after pics.


Follicular Unit Grafting will provide you the outcome you had hoped for and possibly without the need to remove all of the plugs. I feel pretty certain that the results of any kind of "reversal" will be far more noticable and undesirable than a well done revision by a competent surgeon using FUG technique. I urge you to consider your options before you spend more money and regret the outcome. Your scar from the donor site and likely the plugs will always be apparent. Continue to reach out to the members on this Forum. They have no reason to tell you anything more than their honest opinions as well as their experiences as most have had procedures. I suspect the high majority would tell you that their only regret is not doing it sooner.


Its a new age my friend and I feel badly that you were done wrong previously but don't let the anger and bitterness cloud your perspective about what is possible now with the advances in the techniques.


If you want to post some pictures we can give you additional input. I am certain there are guys that were in your situation that can share their experience with revising old pluggy procedures.


Good luck.

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  • Senior Member

hey dude i know EXACTLY how your feeling i too have had poor experiences with a uk clinic but fortunately i had a superb experience with Shapiro Medical Group in the US, read my story mate there is hope not all ht clinics are the same.

Good luck pal hope you find a resolution to your problem icon_smile.gif

2 poor very poor UK ht's

2 world class repairs with Shapiro Medical Group

original thread


Dr Paul's procedure http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1710

Dr Ron's procedure


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  • Regular Member

I'm in the same boat as you even after a corrective procedure. I have to wear a visor at all times and too embarrassed to date again. I'm getting tapped out hair and financial-wise. This can be some sinister stuff.





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When I was very young I also had HT with the plugs and I ultimately had them removed (surgery) and was very happy once removed. As my hair thinned the two scars (one left front and one right front) became more noticeable. So, a little over 5 months ago, I went for transplant with new technology. It is still too early to determine final result and I did share some concerns in my 5 month blog (just thinking out loud). I will wait for a year or so to judge the final result. I will keep updating and feel free to monitor my progress or ask questions, if you would like. I am sorry to hear about the bad experiences and hope for the best.

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First my sympathies. Second I seriously doubt you are in any way open to others suggesting this or that Dr for a follow up HT. I suppose its probably like being raped once and asking you to enjoy sex with someone who reminds you of the individual who raped you.


All I can say is that while you have to be very careful still six years later, the few good Drs out there are almost routinely cranking out some amazing results these days. Also the scarring on the donor areas can be virtually undetectable by touch and totally invisible unless you shave or cut your hair to a #1.


As far as consistently telling a hair transplant, I offer that in many cases I can tell breast implants a mile away, but it never seems to detract from the enhancement it has bestowed on the owner (provided the result is somewhat symmetrical and proportional).


But nevertheless your thoughts are a great reminder not to go into an HT lightly and to make sure you take the time to research your doctor and become an informed consumer.

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  • Senior Member

Hi Hollowell,

I understand your situation completely . I got butchered many years ago and unfortunatly did the transplant whilst on holiday as the Doc said no problem going back to work in a few days . I ended up quitting my job and staying with a friend abroad for nearly a year to recover .

After plenty and i mean LOTS OF RESEARCH on this site I believe Improvements can be made . The technology today and surgeon skill is light years away from the old plugs/mini/micro grafts of old , and thier are some excellent repair results posted on this site , however I would like to see more . I had 1100 single hair grafts placed in front of the plugs around 10 years ago , the surgeon did an excellent job and I grew the hair at the back to cover the scars . I did not opt for plug removal or reversal as at THAT time i thought it would worsen my situation , however I have seen some great results from patients who have had plugs removed and redistributed over the last year or two .

I will be going for repair as Im confident I can get a massive Improvement , when I do I will post all the results for you to look at , I hope that this site and its members can help you begin to feel better as it /they have me and see something can be done .

All the best mate


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