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Capillus 272 Laser treatment

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Whats the General consensus on laser treatments for hair loss prevention and increasing quality of hair? This seems to be the best on the market. I've talked to a few hair transplant doctors that claim it's extremely effective. It's $3k which is expensive but a drop in the bucket if it is actually every effective .

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  • Senior Member

I purchased a Capillus 272 a month ago. I had a consult with a surgeon who uses the Sunetic's laser in his clinic - he showed me photo's of people who had responded really well to that - he told me if I purchase my own cap to go with an approved FDA product & he agreed the Capillus 272 is the best.


It has to be used as directed, half an hour every 2nd day. If overused it can actually induce a negative affect, so be careful with that!


If you are hoping to regrow hair i think the only way that can be done is with transplantation. If you want to improve what you have then the Capillus is worth a try.

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  • Regular Member
I purchased a Capillus 272 a month ago. I had a consult with a surgeon who uses the Sunetic's laser in his clinic - he showed me photo's of people who had responded really well to that - he told me if I purchase my own cap to go with an approved FDA product & he agreed the Capillus 272 is the best.


It has to be used as directed, half an hour every 2nd day. If overused it can actually induce a negative affect, so be careful with that!


If you are hoping to regrow hair i think the only way that can be done is with transplantation. If you want to improve what you have then the Capillus is worth a try.


I have a hair transplant in 3 weeks. My hope for this is just preventing the hair i have now from falling out if that's what is going to happen, Or at least delay that by an significant amount. Also just improve overall hair quality/ thickness.

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It is early days for me - have only been using it for around 1 month. I'm not expecting miracles but one surgeon that I felt I did trust encouraged me to give it a try. Lots of users online indicate it could be a gimmick but some respected surgeons promote it. The surgeon I saw made no profit out of it - I ordered it online. Fingers crossed I guess....

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  • Regular Member
It is early days for me - have only been using it for around 1 month. I'm not expecting miracles but one surgeon that I felt I did trust encouraged me to give it a try. Lots of users online indicate it could be a gimmick but some respected surgeons promote it. The surgeon I saw made no profit out of it - I ordered it online. Fingers crossed I guess....


That's encouraging that he recommended it without profiting on it. I'm skeptical of it but if it makes even a 25 percent improvement it would be worth every penny. And obviously not much of a commitment usage wise

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