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Finestride and joint clicking and pain?


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  • Senior Member

Has anyone ever experienced joint pain and cracking joints because of Proscar. I started Proscar 5mg 3 years ago. I cut it into 4 parts and take 1 part every other day. So basically I'm taking proscar 1.25mg every other day. I didn't notice much side effects from it. Maybe just less slightly semen volume. Other than that everything was OK.


I don't know what the problem with my body is now, but for some reason I have been having tons of joint cracking and joint pain in most of my joints. Elbows, wrists, ankles, knees, neck. They all crack and some of them have dull pain. I am 26 right now and too young for arthritis. I got xrays done on most of my joints and reports came in OK. Doctor can't figure out why I could be having this. I don't have a history of arthritis in my family at all. Never heard of any family member having joint issues.


If it was one or two joints, I could attribute it to injuries, but it's everywhere, even some fingers are cracking and have a dull pain.


So not sure if I should try to cut the medicine for a few months to see if they get better or if I should switch to a 0.25 mg dose. I think my dose is already pretty low.


I surfed some online forms and there are some people reporting joint pain because of finestride, but people usually blame finestride for everything so I'm not sure.


I mean I'm completely healthy and active person other than joint pain, but now I can't be active anymore because exercise is hurting my joints. Played tennis yesterday for 1 hour and came back with knee pain and ankle pain and back pain.

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  • Senior Member

So not sure if I should try to cut the medicine for a few months to see if they get better or if I should switch to a 0.25 mg dose. I think my dose is already pretty low.



You should not even be thinking about this!


I mean stop right away and see how you are. If there is even any chance the med is causing or has caused this throw it in the nearest bin.


What would you rather suffer hair loss or joint loss ?


Did you ask your doctor?

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  • Senior Member

I asked my family physician and he said any medicine could cause any type of side effect. He just said stop it for 6-8 weeks to see if the symptoms get better. I was just not sure if the proscar could be doing this. Just wanted to see if other people have ever experienced this side effect from proscar.


I did stop it 2 days ago and will stop it for 6 weeks. Not sure why it would start now though after taking the medicine for 2 years and seeing no side effects. Maybe it just took a while before I had noticeable effects and it was just making my joints worse slowly and gradually. So hard to tell.

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