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What does 50-60% for 7 months mean exactly?

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I've heard 50% by 6 months and then it goes up about 8-10% per month after that. So by 7 months I should be roughly " 60 % " the way through this.


What does this mean in terms of hairs breaking though the surface?

I have areas that are painstakingly see through. Some are reasonably dense and cant be noticed unless under bright light and close distance. I had 2000 grafts to lower my hairline about 2 cm.


I was under the impression that the telogen phase last 4 months and by the 7th month, most of the hair that were going to break the surface already have. The rest of this "growth or 50%" was just thickening. For some areas, thickening would suffice. For other areas, new hairs certainly will need to sprout for a cosmetic pleasing effect...thickening just aint gonna do it.


Is it likely i still have a lot more hairs waiting in telogen about to sprout up over the next 100 days? Or should I just expect thickening of already existing hairs?

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Similar boat. From what I've read, only about 50% of the final result is achieved (at best) by the 6 month mark. When you consider that real growth is not supposed to really kick in until month 4, it would be difficult to see the finished product just 2 or 3 months later. I asked Spex on another thread roughly what % of hairs should have penetrated the surface by month 6, and I believe he said roughly 40-50%.


I'm approaching 6 months and have a similar situation. Some areas the hair is thick, even matured. Other areas I see little hairs that have sprouted but simply need to grow and mature. And there's others, like you describe, where gaps exist and hair hasn't penetrated yet. I have a magnifying mirror, and at close inspection I can see some really really fine black dots waiting to penetrate. But still, others where nothing is showing yet.


I've been told time and time again that 6 to 9 months is the sweet spot. There's a lot of variability. Someone may grow a lot early then level out. Others may grow at a painstakingly slow but consistent rate. I would talk to your clinic, as I have. Trust me, I thought I'd be farther along at 6 months, but progress is there. Try and keep perspective. You're still early at 7 months man.

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  • Regular Member

Thanks esrec,


I'm trying not to jump to any conclusions. I know 7 months is essentially in the middle of things. Im having my 7 month follow up tomorrow, but its hard to believe what the seller of a product tells you. They have performed tons of operations, my techs were very experienced, I researched the clinic rather thoroughly, (The Bassin Center, Dr. James Slusher)

They have multpiple appearances on high profile news shows and nothing bad about them on the internet that my friend Google and I could find. The BBB didnt have any negative press about them either. The technology all seemed up to par from what I've read. I'm not worried about the team that did the surgery.


I was just hoping if someone could confirm that approx. 50% of the hairs are yet to break through the surface in many cases around the 6-7 month mark. Esrec's post certainly makes me feel like that is the case, so I do feel much better. Thanks again bud.


Spex if you want to confirm the above, it would make me feel all the better


Thanks for reading everyone


Happy growth!

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When talking about percentages with growth rate, it's talking about both the amount of growth and maturity of the hair. So at seven months, you might be at 50 to 60%. Many of the new hairs may have already sprouted, and if you discuss just growth, you could be at a higher percent. But because most of those hairs still need to mature and thicken so that they are visible and healthy, the percentage goes down.


Typically buy one year you are at 80 to 90% growth even though pretty much all of the Harris have at least sprouted, there is still sickening and maturity for each of the errors which can make a significant difference in terms of the cosmetic effect of the results.


I hope this helps.



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