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Dr Melike - Transmed - Turkey


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Hi Guys,


Some of you may have seen some of my questions and posts around info for Trasnmed, after a lot of research into the clinic and Dr Melike herself, i decided that i was going to go ahead with the procedure.


I arrived on Sunday 4th October in Istanbul, and unfortunately they could not meet me at the airport due to heavy rain / flooding, leading to a lot of traffic problems (you will quickly realise how bad traffic is in Istanbul). However i was quickly informed to get a taxi, which they would deduct from the cost of my HT.


The next day was the day of the op, and i was picked up from my hotel by people at Transmed and transferred to the clinic. When i arrived it was in a lovely location in Istanbul, and my first thoughts were how clean everything looked inside. Everything is white and brightly lit, and you are made to put blue plastic covers over your shoes when you arrive, which again enhances the effect of cleanliness.


The staff were extremely friendly, polite and warm upon my arrival, and i was made to feel extremely welcome. I had a quick chat with the sales director before being introduced to Dr Melike, where i was able to ask any outstanding questions i had, as well as discuss how the procedure was going to take place, and have my "full consultation" discussing numbers of grafts and the likelihood of success. (I have a slightly different case to others as i have scar tissue to my upper left temple).


The procedure took 3 hours, and Dr Melike presided over the majority of it. There was little or no pain throughout, although the initial harvesting is a little uncomfortable.


Throughout the HT, you are brought drinks, food, can sleep, or watch T.V, whilst always ensuring the attentiveness and care of the staff at Transmed.


After the op, Dr Melike made sure i understood all of the post-op care instructions, and again took time to alleviate any fears or questions i had. I was brought back the next day, and was shown how to wash my hair, to ensure i didnt pull any of the hairs out and wash carefully around the stapled incision.


On the third day (today) i was taken to the Trasnmed offices to be personally wished off. In my discussion with their Sales Director, he informed me that Transmed see every patient as an individual, and no bad results can be tolerated by them, so has asked me to keep in constant contact throughout the next 6 months - year to see how the successful the growth has been. He informed me that in the unlikely event that i dont get the results i want, Trasnmed would bring me back to have another consultation to find out why and where it hasn't gone right and look at a solution - free of charge.


All in all, my experience was extremely pleasant, obviously "the proof of the pudding, is in the eating" and until i see what the results are, i can only recommend Transmed on the experience i have had to now, which has been great so far.


Fingers crossed for good growth!


Any questions please ask, thanks for reading. I will be posting regualr update pics, on my hairloss website.

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  • Senior Member

Congratulations on your Hairtransplant.


Yes - your now the fourth Musketeer ! To venture to Transmed.


Glad the first three helped you make a good decision !


Now, the first ten days are a drag ! Wash carefully, you will have a strong desire to pick scabs - DONT - at Day 10 the grafts will be secure and you can gently rinse off in the shower. You may get swelling - I did - and I looked uglier than normal ! it subsides by day 4/5.


The staples come out so easy - I bought a staple remover off ebay for a few quid, but went to a skin clinic to a technician.


It may not feel like it now but in a few months time, you will see those little babies pop out and you will get a real warm feeling !

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It is a pleasure to join the "muskateers"


Just out of interest Mop, how did you go about your "1st" wash at home, i was thinking about putting the shampoo in a large mug and pouring it over my hair, gently dabbing at the transplanted areas, and then showing afterwards, making sure i keep my head out of the shower...gradually building up to a proper shower?


Good to know how you went about it?


Also have you managed to find time to get the pics up yet?



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Congratulations on selecting an excellent surgeon to perform your hair transplant. And thanks for creating a hair loss patient website to share your journey and photos with us.


How many grafts did you end up receiving?


I look forward to following your progress.


Best wishes,



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