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* Propecia *

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  • Regular Member

Hi guys,


The Trichologist here in the UK from whom I purchase my Propecia off (MSD Type) is not going to stock it anymore. :(


I saw a lot of surgeons here do prescriptions for Propecia? Could I write to one and start ordering it from them? Do any of you guys get your Propecia from the trusted surgeons?


Thank you! :)


Also guys, I also use the Minoxidil which my Trichologist provides for me. It's 5%. It also contains: Ethanol, Oestradiol valerate, Propylene glycol and Caffeine.

I'm a student and this tends to be quite expensive for me. I noticed Regaine contains the same ingredient (5%) Minoxidil. If I bought Regaine, it would save me A LOT of money than using the current one. Would this be okay to switch as it's basically the same as Regaine, or would it cause problems to my hair?


Cheers for your help everyone, it's much appreciated!

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  • Senior Member

There are generic forms of both medications. The active ingredient in Propecia is finasteride and the active ingredient for Rogaine is minoxidil. To my understanding, Finpecia is the European form of Propecia.


The laws within each country can vary as to whether the individual is required to be examined by the doctor before prescribing finasteride while minoxidil can be purchased online.


Various forms of finasteride do not contain inactive additives while minoxidil products can vary and some quite a bit.


You should be able to find a good doctor in the UK who can explain what your options are. Several of them are based in the US and licensed in the UK.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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  • Regular Member
There are generic forms of both medications. The active ingredient in Propecia is finasteride and the active ingredient for Rogaine is minoxidil. To my understanding, Finpecia is the European form of Propecia.


The laws within each country can vary as to whether the individual is required to be examined by the doctor before prescribing finasteride while minoxidil can be purchased online.


Various forms of finasteride do not contain inactive additives while minoxidil products can vary and some quite a bit.


You should be able to find a good doctor in the UK who can explain what your options are. Several of them are based in the US and licensed in the UK.


Thanks so much for you're response mate, I'll keep looking in to it! :)

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  • Senior Member

Robert, I use Dr Kashif Sawar. He is a GP based in West Yorkshire. Private message me if you are interested in contacting him

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