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Minimising the "ugly ducking" phase


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I had 1200 grafts done on my hairline. Its been one week and everything is healed up nicely and the scabs are all gone.


The transplanted hair is growing but I'm told in the next few weeks or so they will all fall out and grow again in 3 months time. Although, my surgeon said that this doesn't happen all the time.


I've started taking saw palmento tablets, biotin and drinking lots of green tea. I have been doing this for nearly 5 years and its actually maintained my hair a lot and reduced hair fall. I had the surgery since I wanted to touch up the hairline.


I'm also considering staring Regaine in a week or so.


Is there a way to minimise the shedding of the transplanted hair so the transition from ugly duckling to full hair is less noticeable and smoother. If that makes sense

Edited by Karnan
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  • Senior Member
I had 1200 grafts done on my hairline. Its been one week and everything is healed up nicely and the scabs are all gone.


The transplanted hair is growing but I'm told in the next few weeks or so they will all fall out and grow again in 3 months time. Although, my surgeon said that this doesn't happen all the time.


I've started taking saw palmento tablets, biotin and drinking lots of green tea. I have been doing this for nearly 5 years and its actually maintained my hair a lot and reduced hair fall. I had the surgery since I wanted to touch up the hairline.


I'm also considering staring Regaine in a week or so.


Is there a way to minimise the shedding of the transplanted hair so the transition from ugly duckling to full hair is less noticeable and smoother. If that makes sense


You're doing everything you're supposed to be doing. Most people go through a shed and there is nothing you can do...

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Just about everyone experiences "shock-out". Don't worry, the results down the road in 3-4 months will be dramatic I'm sure, and worth the wait. If you want to know what to expect, you can visit my blog which I use only for before/afters. I also give a narrative of what to expect in your first 30 days and beyond, etc. My blog is not a "forum". The hair transplant network is great for that....as you well know. My blog is.... myfuehairtransplant.com Go to the archives on the right side and find September 2012. Don't worry about the initial hair loss and look forward to having plenty of hair by late spring.

I am an online representative for Carolina Hair Surgery & Dr. Mike Vories (Recommended on the Hair Transplant Network).

View John's before/after photos and videos:  http://www.MyFUEhairtransplant.com

You can email me at johncasper99@gmail.com

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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1200 is not too many grafts so Im guessing your hair loss was minimal. Share some pics if you can.


You can use concealers after the first few weeks, which work wonders if you use them properly. Challenge will be length of the hair after 3 weeks times, as toppik or dermatch works a little better with some hair to grab onto.


Mostly importantly, dont think of the shed as a "bad" thing, but as a natural part of the hair transplant process and signal that everything is unfolding as it should. Some hairs may stick around, but try not to baby your head while shampoooing (post 14 day mark) in an effort to keep them around. Hairs can be stuck if you dont assist the process, which will only slow you down long term.

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