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Transplant after stroke

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It has been a very tough year for me for various reasons I won't go into but one of them is this. Just over 8 years ago I had a first FUT transplant with Dr Rahal. It was a great success but I feel now is the time to get a second procedure. I have been looking at my options, some in Europe that sound good due to price and quality and less travel.


I am a healthy 48 year old who is active, has never smoked, eats healthy food, not overweight, takes natural supplements. I have never had any illnesses and rarely ever had to visit a doctor.


Just as I was getting my reserch refined something happened. I woke up one morning in May feeling dizzy, very nauseous and could not coordinate my walking. Later that day I visited my doctor who told me it is 99% Labyrinthitis until I told her that it was worse on my right side. She initially seemed to think all my reactions were normal and sent me to hospital to rule out a TIA (mini stroke) To cut a long story short after many tests including heart, brain scan etc I was actually told I had suffered a major stroke as it had left a mark on the right side of my brain. In fact, I had had a milder one sometime earlier than that on my left side I never knew about. This of course was a shock and still is. At the moment I am on statins as my cholesterol is genetically high (despite taking cholesterol lowering supplements and eating healthy food) and blood pressure lowing meds because it is high, and still too high despite meds. they also put me on blood thinning meds that do a similar job as aspirin to prevent clotting.


Now I have no idea why my blood pressure is so high (although I am prone to getting stressed) but again it seems like it is genetic and endemic of men my age. At the moment it's obvious that a transplant wouldn't be wise while things are in the air but I really do hope to get back on with it once things are stable. The thought of not being able to get a second procedure for around 1000-3000 grafts gets me down.


Has anyone else had similar issues and had a transplant after a stroke, high blood pressure etc ? is it still possible to have a transplant after a stroke ? I made a full recovery as my symptoms were numbness to the right side which went away after a couple of weeks. It could have been much worse which I am grateful

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I suffered a Heart Attack in February of this year just as I was preparing for my 2nd HT. I was put on Blood Thinning Anti-Platelet meds, so the question of going through with the procedure was deemed null and void.


It is recommended that anyone who underwent Heart Stents needs to stay on the meds for 12 months before one can even think of an elective surgery. If you are on Blood Thinners this is a question you must get answered before another HT. Your BP should be under control with meds also.

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Very sorry to hear of your two strokes and especially considering how health conscious that you are.


My younger brother passed away last December 18, 2014 related to major cardiac issues and like you, he had high blood pressure. Yet he was a heavy smoker and consumed too much alcohol. His diet was poor and it all caught up with him at the young age of 58. He never went to the doctor and never had any physical exams much to our beckoning.


The good thing is that you are on top of your health and seeing a doctor on a regular basis.


As far as the procedure goes, I believe that most doctors would want you to wait until things like your blood pressure are at a manageable level.


So I wish you well and trust that the medications will continue to stabilize some of these issues and then possible you will be able to have the procedure that you desire.


Best wishes to you!




Had no idea that you sustained a heart attack earlier this year and wish you the same good health my friend!...;)


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

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