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Anything I can apply to ARTAS FUE donor site to help it heal/calm it down?

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  • Senior Member

Aloe Vera sounds like a better choice for now and will help cool the surface and the extraction sites.


There usually is post-op inflammation so soon after the procedure which is not unusual.


You can also try using some ice packs to help with the inflammation and even some Ibuprofen which also helps with inflammation and any discomfort.


Congrats on your recent procedure....;)


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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  • Senior Member

I would stay away from any meds unless approved by your Dr. I know the only pain killer I was allowed to take was Tylenol as the others thin the blood. As for ice packs, be sure NOT to place it on your recipient sites... Aloe vera, make sure you get one that is 95% or higher.. Most out there have a lot of additives. Best would be to get a plant and use it direct.

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Thanks for these comments. I came off the anti-inflammatories and anti-biotics yesterday and the donor area isn't too swoolen - it is just feeling raw/sore and is still a little red and I was thinking to rub somethinng on it rather than take more pills. I'll go with some aloe-vera for the donor site only. I figure I should leave the transplant sites well alone. My objective is to be " hair cut ready" by Saturday morning which will be 9 days after the HT. I'm currently wearing a bandage and cap as camoflage and am keen to go back to normal ASAP.

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