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Post Op Hairline Question

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  • Senior Member

I'm 3 week post op without much shed. I understand this may take some time and varies by the individual. As a result though, I've obviously had time to stare at the revised hairline created by Dr. Shapiro a few weeks back.


I'm wondering how closely (or how great a departure) does the post op design compare to the final result? I understand thickness and density cannot be predicted, but strictly in terms of the "lines". I'm happy with placement, just looking for general feedback as to how closely their hairline design post surgery matched up 6-12 months later.


(3 week post op attached)


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Glad you are happy with how it looks at this point. Yes, as you suspected, the final result in a year will be slightly different from what you see now. Typically, as you mentioned, the difference is really in density. At SMG we always transplant with the hair a couple centimeters long. Now, this is primarily for us to prevent putting two grafts in one site and also to make sure we add as much density as is safely possible. The other nice thing about the "preview" length of hair is that it gives you a great idea of where the final hair will be. The hairline that you discussed with Dr. Shapiro and that you see now will be the same. It may only vary somewhat in a 3 dimensional aspect as the hair grows out.


The one issue that some patients note is the density aspect from post op to final result. After surgery, the scabbing along with the transplanted hair gives an illusion of more fullness and density than was actually transplanted. You can think of this like adding a topical cosmetic on the scalp to darken it. You appear to be doing a great job of cleaning the scalp, so most of the scabs are probably gone. When all is said and done a year from now, the length of the hair that you decide on will help considerably in determining the "appearance" of density. If it is too short or too long it may appear thin. You will get a feel for the best length and look when it grows out.

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  • Senior Member

Thanks doctor. SMG super responsive as always. Appreciate the detail. I realize this is part of the waiting game so not scrutinizing so much as curiosity around the process.


I never really scabbed, just some light film at the tips and dryness. I presume the next 2 weeks are when shedding is most likely to escalate. Bye Bye hairline for a while ;)

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  • Senior Member

The main difference I saw between my immediate post-op hairline and the hairline I have now is that post-op it was just much harsher. That has to do with the density, as you already mentioned, and the strategic placement of the ones/twos/threes/etc. This isn't something that's noticeable immediately post-op.


Congrats on the procedure. Looks like you're on your way to some very good results.

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

Check out my hair loss website for photos

FUE surgery by Dr. Mohebi on 7/31/14
2,001 grafts - Ones: 607; Twos: 925; Threes: 413; Fours: 56

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