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Laser Hair Therapy

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I just discovered lasers can be used to combat hair loss. (Yes, I'm kind of late to the party.)


Do you need a prescription for these treatments? Has anybody on this board used it? How effective did you find the results?

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  • Senior Member

You may want to check out this article from our Hair Loss Learning Center: Laser Hair Restoration for more information. It includes opinions from some recommended physicians on the topic.


I also suggest using the forum's search feature. You'll find many discussions and some results posted by leading hair transplant surgeons.


There is no prescription required. You can purchase laser combs and laser caps.


I've not yet seen any results that would compel me to spend the hundreds of dollars required to either purchase a home device or receive treatment at a clinic, but some guys swear by it.

Edited by David - Moderator

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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  • Senior Member

Mate im un the same boat as you i dudnt even know it was fda approved. My mate just had a consultstion with AHS and they gave him this laser comb and a bunch of other stuff to take with it. But it wasnt cheap couple grand i think.


Hes said he see pictures of poeples journey on there computer as well and said it looked quite impressive bair in mind it only does the crown apperantly its most affective in that area. But im bit to sure about it myself. Id like to see results myself to judge i havent yet inmight have yo look into it miore and see what the hype is about.

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  • Senior Member
Mate im un the same boat as you i dudnt even know it was fda approved. My mate just had a consultstion with AHS and they gave him this laser comb and a bunch of other stuff to take with it. But it wasnt cheap couple grand i think.


Hes said he see pictures of poeples journey on there computer as well and said it looked quite impressive bair in mind it only does the crown apperantly its most affective in that area. But im bit to sure about it myself. Id like to see results myself to judge i havent yet inmight have yo look into it more and see what the hype is about.


The FDA "approval" surrounding laser hair loss treatments is a bit ambiguous. We reported on this back in 2007 here, Laser Hair Therapy – is it really FDA Approved?


In part, the article states:


In reality the FDA approval for devices like the Laser Max Hair Comb is not based on any measure of their effectiveness as a hair loss treatment. Rather such laser hair therapy devices have merely been FDA approved recently for being non harmful.

Oftentimes, you'll see the phrase "FDA Clearance". This just means that the FDA determined that the device in question is "substantially equivalent" to other approved devices on the market.


One popular laser hair growth device called the Theradome Laser Helmet provides a link to their official FDA clearance letter on the FDA website. Nowhere in the letter does it state that the FDA has determined that the device actually regrows hair.

Edited by David - Moderator

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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  • Senior Member

Interesting stuff. So it doesn't actually grow new hair but yet this company (AHS) says it does promote growth and they have pictures of peoples journey and on there website it says they have helped over 500,000 people by going down this route its even got a picture of that australian cricketer shane warne on it. It does sounds promising to someone who hasn't done there research on the products they offer.


What do you think about there antioxidant tablets they offer? Apparently it stops DHT.

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