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I'm scared. What if I made a mistake? I did a hairtransplant at 26

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I did a hair transplant 3 weeks ago in Istanbul. I had 3200 grafts done and the doctor was very, very good. I've been doing research for over a year and I know that most doctors don't recommend doing a hair transplant if you are this young. But what's the point in doing it when you are already bald? That kind of defeats the purpose.


I know it's only been 3 weeks and I can't speak of the results yet. But the results now are not what worry me. It's in 5-10 years. What if I go even balder and have bald patches? What do I do then?

I'm just scared that I made a mistake. Not there is any going back now. But I still feel anxious and nervous about the results. Has anyone else done a hair transplant at this age? What happened later?


Here are the results after 3 weeks. I know it's a waitining game and there is nothing I can do but still. My crown area doesn't look good so far.


Thanks guys! I really appreciate the help



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Hi johnsmith90 ,


Im sure feeling nervious and anxious comes with the territory at the stage you are at but soon forgotten about when the phase your in fizzles out and you start seeing results. Most guys feel the way ur feeling so youre not the only one mate. Just give it time youre only three weeks into it ince you get past the first couple months im sure you will feel better. And as for your concern over the crown that always is ad will be for most people i slow grow area so dont judge the result just yet give it 12 months and if youre not happy you might have to go back for another pass providing you got sufficient doner supply.


It looks like you might be a advance noorward so imo you will need to got back for another pass because 3200 grafts isnt goint to cut it on an advance noorward id say you would probably need another 3000 to add density.


Sorry if you have already posted them but do you have any pre op post op pictures it would be nice to see where they planted the grafts..

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The Crown is known as the black hole of grafts. And yes it does take longer for crown to mature 12-18 months i agree,

With your level of balding 3200 grafts isnt going to be enough. See what the growth is like in a years time (more for the crown) and then look at getting another Ht done to further enhance what you have had done already.

Are you taking any meds to prevent further loss? Who was your Dr ?

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you run the risk of running out of donor hair if you put most of your donor zone in the crown alone. If you think about future planning you would be better off ensuring you have enough to transplant to your frontal third and mid scalp if needed. Being young you will keep losing depending on what meds you get on.

Did your Dr give you a idea on where your loss was headed ?

You will be less worried about your crown in the future and more worried about the front/hairline.

In your position i would be plan carefully.

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Yes he did. I showed him pictures of my dad and my dad has hair in the front. It's the crown that is the problem for him as well. But I'll guess I'll have to wait and see. I shouldn't have done it so early right?

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i would get advice from your Dr regarding meds. That will help keep the hair you have got now. I would then wait the 12-18 months and see how you feel. If it grows in well and you have managed to stop/slow further loss then great.

Did your Dr also give you a idea of how many grafts you have available?

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Yes ask about what other meds he can recommend too. Was that 6-7K in total left now ? or before he took the 3200 ? I agree that no more should have been taken at present.

3200 is a large enough session for FUE - i guess in 1 day ?

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I don't know. He did say that I was an excellent candidate for HT since I have thick and good donor area. I think he meant before. He said : "There have been situations where up to 9000-10000 grafts have been taken but I would never recommend it. In your case, and in most other cases, 6-7000 is enough and gives good results. We will aim at 3-3500 today to cover mostly the crown and future hair loss in the front. It will be easier to see once we shave you and after 12-18 months after the procedure".

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i would get advice from your Dr regarding meds. That will help keep the hair you have .. now. I would then wait the 12-18 months and see how you feel. If it grows in well and you have managed to stop/slow further loss then great.


This is the most sensible advice you will get today. You've got a lot ahead of you to concern yourself with - 5 years will come eventually and you will know how things are progressing as time goes by. Enjoy today and plan for tomorrow -worrying won't help!

I'm serious.  Just look at my face.


My Hair Regimen: Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

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You have to maintain your existing non-transplanted hair and your donor area resources. You must commit to a treatment plan of that may include medical therapy. This condition of hair loss is progressive, so you must treat it as such. The surgeon should transplant as if you will expect to see some degree of additional hair loss. You really want to look natural at any point on the hair loss journey. Any pre-operative donor area photos available?

My opinions are based on my beliefs and are simply my own. I am one representative of the WHTC clinic.

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Dr. Patrick Mwamba is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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