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Mixed graft estimations from to surgeons

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Hi guys,


I have been following these forums for a couple of years since I started noticing my hairloss. It is not really that bad yet and is only really noticeable when I wear my hair up or back (at least that's what I like to believe).


Nonetheless, it is something I'm very self-conscious about to the point where I've decided to do smething about it. I've been in contact with a few of the top European doctors as suggested on this forum. Thing is, they seem to have very different opnions on the needed grafts to undertake the procedure, hence I'd like to get your "2nd opinions".


Doctors estimations:

  • Doctor 1: 6-800 grafts FUE
  • Doctor 2: 14-1600 grafts FUE


It may just come down to low quality photos. I have attached the photos I sent to both doctors, I would greatly appreciate any qualified feedback on this.


PS: I tried Propecia but ultimately decided to stop after 3 months due to sides (lethargy, constant muscle fatique, VERY low libido), so will be looking to get a HT w/o being on medication.





Edited by POVNW2
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  • Senior Member



It's really not unusual to receive varying graft estimates because each doctor may have a different idea of the total surface area involved where the proposed grafts would be placed.


Presently you have mild recession going on in the temporal areas. Typically the doctor will draw in the starting point and all along the perimeter where you would like filled in. So the surface area would first have to measured and then the level of density calculated for that same area.


In addition, the base point where your grafts would commence are done with single hair grafts. Single hair grafts do not provide as much visual coverage as doubles, triples, for the obvious reasons so that will also raise the graft count as well. You would not want anything above single hair grafts where your hairline starts.


Regardless, your case would not involve a large number of grafts and at the same time you want to be careful that your existing hairline is not brought down too low where the single hair grafts start.


How is your crown? Any thinning there or is the recession mostly in the frontal zone?


I also see that this is your first post so welcome to this community...;)


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Gillenator, thanks for he detailed rrsponse and the welcome:) as far as I can tell there is no thinning in the crown nor any sporadic hairloss beyond my regeding hairline.


Sparky, thanks for answerkng. I'll turn 28 in a few months time. I do believe it will continue to recede but at a very slow pace. My current hairloss resembles that of my dad at my age and he is presently a Norwoor 4 at age 53. Hence, I expect that I may be able to keep it dense if I get it filled in once or twice between now and his approximate age.

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