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5 month post-FUE results

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Hi all,


This is my first post on the site after having an FUE HT back in January 2015. I have found this site to be THE most useful tool when I was contemplating whether to have an HT or not with invaluable information being shared. As such I thought it was about time that I share my pre and post op pictures and experience with others as well.


I had a hairline restoration FUE HT earlier this year. I had 740 grafts without shaving the recipient area.


During the first few weeks post-op I didn't really experience too much shedding and even started to see growth. However, I am now just past the 5 month mark and am getting concerned that there is not enough growth. I know that everyone probably gets a bit anxious around this time, particularly if they are not seeing the level of growth they would like. However, I am also very much aware that 5 months is normally too early to really tell how successful a HT has been and that everyone grows at different rates.


I have seen people post on this site who have had remarkable growth by the 5 month mark and those who have had slow growth up to 5 months and beyond but then a sudden burst in months 6-12.


I have scheduled a follow up consultation with my surgeon at the 6 month mark so I thought it would be good to obtain some impartial opinions before then.


Should I be concerned or am I just being impatient?!


Anyway, any comments would be appreciated.


Photo 1 - Pre-op

Photo 2 - Post-op Day One

Photo 3 - Post-op Two Weeks

Photo 4 - Post-op Three Weeks

Photo 5 - Post-op 4 Months

Photo 6 - Post-op 5 Months


(Sorry for the jump from Week 3 to Month 4 - I stupidly took other photos on another device I don't currently have access to)









Edited by hair1982
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  • Senior Member

I wouldnt panic yet. You have growth - you could be a slow grower. However its a good idea to see your Dr to get it reviewed,

Your graft number seems quite low to be honest - to get a better match of density with the rest of your hair i would of thought more grafts would be needed.

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I wouldnt panic yet. You have growth - you could be a slow grower. However its a good idea to see your Dr to get it reviewed,

Your graft number seems quite low to be honest - to get a better match of density with the rest of your hair i would of thought more grafts would be needed.


Thanks johnboy - I was a bit concerned initially about the graft count as well but the area worked on seemed to be relatively smaller to others I have seen on this forum and the initial result immediately post-op looked good in terms of spacing etc. but, of course, I'm no expert so what seemed to look fine to me may not actually be.

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  • Senior Member

Good advice above. Still early days. No need to worry. Try to keep your mind off your transplant for the next few months. Happy Growing!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all,


Well, I had my 6 month follow up with the clinic. They seemed to be happy with my progress. I raised my concern about the rate of growth and they said it was fine and is normal. I was a bit disappointed, however, with the fact that I didn't get to see the surgeon who performed the procedure. Instead I met with one of the clinic's consultation staff members. I have booked myself in for a 12 month follow up later in the year and will make sure that they have the doctor present this time.


Attached are pictures from the clinic pre-op and 6 months and 12 days post-procedure. There does seem to be a lot more growth now and hopefully it will continue to pick up pace and density.






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  • Senior Member

To be honest mate, 700 grafts is a minute number for the area that was worked on. For the hairline area in your situation, I would expect 2000 grafts to be required.


Therefore your growth rate is probably what is expected for the number of grafts used.


The clinic should have done more grafts tbh, or they should have explained you would get a sparse result given the number used.


In saying that it should improve over the next 6 months.


Who did your surgery?


Propecia since July 2008

2201 Grafts with Dr Lorenzo on 19.10.22 - See my write up here:


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It's still very early, though I understand feeling impatient and wanting the hair to grow now. :)


Just try your best not to think about it and overanalyze it. The time really does go by very fast, and you'll be at the 12 month mark in no time with (hopefully) very good results.

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

Check out my hair loss website for photos

FUE surgery by Dr. Mohebi on 7/31/14
2,001 grafts - Ones: 607; Twos: 925; Threes: 413; Fours: 56

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Agreed.....700 was not enough for that area. 700 is normally something you do to restore temple points, not lower the hairline from temple point to temple point. You seem to have good hair behind it....the good thing is you can get more grafts to thicken and match that pretty easily (another 1000-1500 max).

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Thanks guys, appreciate the comments.


In hindsight I also feel that 700 grafts was too low, however, the immediate post-op result didn't concern me at the time in terms of spacing. One of the other doctors in the clinic also came into the room just in the final moments of my procedure and commented that the hairline was very good.


We'll see how it pans out over the next few months - hopefully I will see a lot more growth, particularly on the left side (right side as you look at the pictures).


Had my surgery at Harley Street Hair Clinic with Dr Kovacheva in London back in January.

Edited by hair1982
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