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I just found this page, I was looking to see what I could expect at day 12. I'm terrified now. Are there any happy results?


I recently went through a 1000 graft procedure, and I've been dealing with the maddening itching and burning... which has, thankfully, become non-existent.


Right now, I am completely happy with the results. The redness has disappeared, the new hair seems to be growing (I know this is wishful thinking, but it seems like it is... well, not all of them, but most of them seem to be). I look like I've got a full head of hair, shorn as it is, but a complete line that looks good. There are one or three scabs remaining, and I still get a few of those white bits flaking down. But I feel comfortable going out in public without worrying about what others may think.


Of course, that is also due to the fact that the back of my grape has healed and the hair has grown enough to hide that obscene straight line they cut to the donor area.


My experience was painful. The doctor's needle burned each and every time he injected me. The two nurses would get about half an hour of extractions performed before my anesthetic would wear off. More shots, more pain. I took some codeine or Vicodin, but I usually take those two or three at a time for pain when prescribed, and they weren't willing to give me more than one every four hours. I did get a dose of toridal (sp?), and I managed to relax enough to sleep for an hour or so.


The doctor drew my line, quaded it up into triangles, administered the pain meds/shots, and came in to cut my recipient area. His first go was about 650 holes, which the nurses inserted the follicles. The second go to provide me with an additional 350 holes, turned out to be 200 short, so he came back in and pin-cushioned my scalp again. He was about 80 short, and some of the holes weren't deep enough, the nurses fixed those holes and the more experienced of the two created the additional holes necessary to finish the procedure.


7:30 AM - 7PMish when I got home. I was through.


I've followed all of the directions to the letter, and am anxiously awaiting the point where I can resume normal shampooing processes, this Thursday, at 15 days.


I was surprised that the physician didn't spend much time in the room with me, and now reading through the forum I'm quite alarmed. One of the nurses had been doing like-work for the last 13 years, so I'm hopeful.


Are there any post op instances in which some of the transplanted material did not go into a shock/shed period? Oh... man.... got to scratch my scalp... must resist.

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Okay, I've inserted the images. I just took these this morning with my iPhone. I think to get a better resolution I'd have to turn the camera around and take the photo.


I have that long strip down the middle, and the doctor filled in both sides to give me a normal hairline.


I don't expect any miracles, but I tend to keep my hair a little longer so I'm hoping that the added hair will fold down over any sparse areas.



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  • Senior Member

Don't panic. The work looks just fine. Only time will tell how well it will grow but the best thing you can do for your health and well-being is to try to keep your mind off of it as best you can for the next several months.


Please keep us posted on your progress. Best of luck!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. I read your journal and peeped the pics. Nicely done. I bet you're anxiously waiting for that year mark to see the full results.


I've had an implant installed in my ear to help correct a trauma I suffered around the turn of the century. That has taught me that man can't do as well as nature... So I keep the mind set that I will be able to have hair in the area where it had receded, but I don't expect the thick locks that I had as a young dude. I remain hopeful.


I noticed that you kept a count of the quantity of hairs in each folical, I dont know if they kept those numbers. The nurses were discussing hair count, there were a few singles, and a few with five, does that make sense? The rest ran the spectrum between 2-4 per graft.


Today is day 13 post op. I am still running baby shampoo gently across my dome, but this morning I gently, so so gently, massaged the recipient area to assist in the cleansing.


My head feels bumpy, or crusty, like a healing tattoo. But the hairs remain and the pink is gone. No one, save for one of my friends, seems to notice anything amiss.


I'm vacationing in Dominican Republic next May... I'm hoping that I'm very happy with the results by the.


I've started taking finistride(sp?), biotin (OTC), and fish oil gell caps as preventive measures. I hate pills.

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  • Senior Member

That sounds like a pretty normal spread of hairs per graft aside from the fact that very few guys seem to have 5s. It's common practice for clinics to provide patients with a breakdown of the numbers.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, today is the 30 day mark for me, post op.


I kept the very careful shower/shampoo regiment until about a week ago, and even now I don't let the water hit the top of my head directly. I am massaging the shampoo into the hair gently though. My head still itches from time to time, and I gently run my finger tips across the itchy areas.


My transplanted hair grew a bit, but I think they've stopped. And I've noticed that it's a good deal more sparse than what I had a few weeks ago. I think the hairs have begun to fall out, but I've not seen any of them. I'd say I've lost about 30-50 percent of the transplanted hairs.


When I lift my eyebrows or wiggle my ears is the only time I can feel that something had happened to the top and back of my head. Other than that, I've settled in for the long wait. I'll post some pics later today of my progress.

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  • 2 weeks later...

37 Days PostOp


Some of the hairs are still there, and some of those have grown, keeping pace with the rest of my hair... I expect they will fall out soon as well.


From a distance, I have my old hair line back. Up close, those bald spots where my forehead was reaching up towards my crown are punctuated with hair. Just not enough to be seen unless you're right up close.


I've already got to the point where I'm not thinking about it, and I hope it comes in really good by May of next year although I know that's a bit early (heading out to Dominican Republic).





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  • Senior Member

You can tell it's going to be a great result!

1,792 graft FUE with Dr. James Harris (Denver, Colorado) on April 2-3, 2015

313 graft FUE with Dr. James Harris (Denver, Colorado) on May 3, 2016 to make it perfect!!!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member
I never understand when people have painful FUE surgeries. Mine was virtually pain free. Other than the injection of anesthetic, everything was pain free. The pictures look good. All you can do now is wait!


Same. I didn't take any of try pain meds post op. Slept fine the first night and only experienced a slight headache.


The odd pimple/blood blister in the donor area is annoying though. Ill accidentally scratch and it'll bleed. I'm 5 weeks in now.

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  • Senior Member
I never understand when people have painful FUE surgeries. Mine was virtually pain free. Other than the injection of anesthetic, everything was pain free. The pictures look good. All you can do now is wait!


i think its less to do with harvesting and more to do with lying dead still with your neck all twisted and your head being forced into the bench, it doesnt hurt its just really really uncomfortable, once thats all over and done with nothing else is painful, nothing!!!

June 2013 - 3000 FUE Dr Bhatti

Oct 2013 - 1000 FUE Dr Bhatti

Oct 2015 - 785 FUE Dr Bhatti


Dr. Bhatti's Recommendation Profile on the Hair Transplant Network

My story and photos can be seen here


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