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Possible ALpecin Causes Mini shed?


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  • Senior Member

Started using Apecin double effect shampoo recently I'm just over 5 month post op.

I have noticed in the last 4 -5 days some of the transplanted hair is shedding not the longer more mature hairs but short ones which have yet to mature, as you know at this stage the transplanted hairs are all growing at different lengths ,some hopefully yet to break through.

I'm not overly concerned, just that up to this point after going through the initial shed my growth has been solid, not amazing like some of the results on here at 5 months but also not bad either considering where I was coming from a Norwood 5-6. [4200 FUE grafts]

Maybe this is normal transplanted hair can go through further sheds at different stages? just to make clear its not loads of hairs just a few i have noticed on the the top of my laptop but as I said it only started since I have been using Alpecin shampoo which I am going to stop immediately. Post -Op my Dr recommended a caffeine based shampoo I am going to email him today regarding this matter .Be great to hear any opinions on this matter as I said I'm not freaking out but its obviously a concern, hair growth has been OK up to this point my gut says it's the Alpecin just too harsh for hair only 5 month post OP. Anyone else experienced this?

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  • Senior Member

I see your concern but it probably nothing to worry about mate hair follicles have deferent cycles thats probably whats happening and should grow back. With the shampoo thing i couldn't say for definite if its the shampoo im not an expert but me personally if I'm 5 months into my ht result i wouldn't be using something with caffein in it..try coconut oil,something natural.

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  • Senior Member

cheers Whizzkid yes I feel you're right regarding the caffeine, just the Doc recommended using a caffeine based shampoo post op I have sent him an email regarding the matter.

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