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Deciding on FUT or FUE

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Its not as easy as I first thought. Of course I just thought oh FUE is the way of the future so the choice is obvious, but then there is a lot of info about how FUT can provide better results and all that for a hairline. And FUT is better for up to 3000 grafts which I would need. Also has anyone actually had FUE fall out years later because FUE took hair that weren't in the safe zone? I feel I would get great results with FUT, apparently among the best in the world for FUT doc, and the scars are hard to detect, and I shouldnt shy away from what could give me best results because I am worried about a scar and the healing process which is going to suck. But with the hard to detect scars they get now its actually less detectable then 3000 FUE from the back of the head. It might sound like I have already made up my mind but I am just wondering if someone on this site will give me something new to think about. And I may be starting dutasteride soon. Any thoughts on my venting please share. Thanks for reading

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If you go to a top doctor you should get some pretty good results with FUT. The scar might be a problem and it might not. No one can predict if a scar will heal perfectly or stretch. If it does stretch you could get some FUE grafts put into it and probably be fine. I would start dutasteride or Propecia soon and give it about a year before going in for a HT. With FUE the healing is easier and you wont have a possible stretched scar. If you go to a top FUE doctor they will only take hair from the permanent safe zone and should not deplete your donor. Why not post some pictures to give us a better look at the situation. I'm sure you'll get some helpful advice here. Cheers.

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I have been on fin for four years now only starting to think of switching to dut or take them both I read something good about doing that. Yeah I am going to wait on my crown because its only thinning right now so hopefully dut grows it back, but my hairline is bald so I think dut woudlnt grow that back

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Providing the surgeon is competent whether FUHT or FUE, scarring is more related to one's physiology more than anything else.


3,000 FUE is no longer considered a large session in the hands of a good FUE surgeon. So that being said, if you want to wear a buzzed hair style, than FUE would be more appropriate, providing you go with a skilled FUE surgeon.


In my own case, I heal very well, never intend to wear a buzzed hair style so I had four separate FUHT procedures for a grand total of 6,900 grafts.


I strongly would suggest that you consult with your doctor in regards to using both finasteride and dutasteride at the same time. If finasteride is working efficiently for you, then there is really no reason to take DUT. Usually, a doctor would only suggest using DUT if you were not responding favorably to low dose finasteride. You could potentially cause some issues with your prostrate using both concurrently and also could build a resistance to both drugs.


So you really want to get the advice and direction from your doctor before commencing a regimen like that.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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In my own case, I heal very well, never intend to wear a buzzed hair style

Hey Gillenator, I always wondered how a person knows if they heal/scar well? I have some scars but dont know if they are good or bad. How did you determine this?

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thanks for the info, yeah I havent thought of becoming resistant to both drugs, that wouldnt be good. I think I heal well, but thats a tough one to say for sure. I can tell that fin is starting to be less effective, so thats why I wanna start dut.


magnum - it sounds like getting a fut would be the safest choice because in the end getting better results is more important then being able to shave your head shorter, and the scars can be really unnoticeable hopefully. I am also worried about losing hair in the future if I go with a FUE if the hairs are taken from outside the safe zone

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  • Senior Member
Hey Gillenator, I always wondered how a person knows if they heal/scar well? I have some scars but dont know if they are good or bad. How did you determine this?




That can be difficult to ascertain. Usually the best way is to look at any other possible scars in the scalp. And I mean smaller thinner scars to see if they were raised or red and angry looking, etc. Scars in the scalp can heal differently than say scars on the arm, abdomen, etc. So if you ever cut your head in the past from a mild accident like bumping it, etc., that might be a more fair comparison.


Also, if your overall physical make-up is healthy without having any other medical condition(s) or current meds that could affect how you heal, that's also a good indicator.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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