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Flyer from Pacific Hair- Claim -New strip technoogy will replace FUE

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Hello Forum Members,


Wanted to share this flyer that I received via email today from Pacific Hair, Dr. Elliot's Southern California based Clinic. Strong claims.






Pacific Hair ad.pdf



Edited by David - Moderator
Took out Clinic phone numbers to follow the Forum protocol


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North America Representative and Patient Advisor for:
Dr. Tejinder Bhatti, Darling Buds Hair Transplant Center, Chandigarh, India.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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I tried reuploading the pdf but it still only seems to work once in a while. For those that are having trouble with the attachment I added screen shots of the pdf to the original post.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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That sounds very interesting if it actually works. a 1-2mm scar to a 1-2cm scar is a big difference and imo most people could stomach.


Id like to see a picture of these '150 patients' scares to judge though.They must have picture of the patients healed doner region if they did it last year.

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I agree that this is an interesting premise. It would be nice to see some documentation.


I've got a great strip scar. I'm very happy with how it turned out even after two procedures. It's never been an issue for me but I know that a lot of guys have concerns about scar stretching. Anything that adds to the reliability of producing a quality scar is a welcome advancement.


However, to say that it will "eventually eliminate the need for follicular unit extraction" seems absurd. In my opinion, FUSS and FUE are going to coexist for the foreseeable future.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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Hyaluronidase has been around for a long time and is one of several agents and treatments utilized for Keloid scar reduction. I'm not so sure I understand how immediate and short term "skin relaxation"if possible would affect the occurrence of the later phases of wound healing and scar formation particularly for a wound under tension.

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I'm not one to usually call out clinics for their marketing. Ok, sometimes I do but I have to call this as I see it. Ostrich? Meet Sand. Insert head and ignore the market. Among the multiple problems I see with this there are two that stand out.


1. Patients that don't want a linear don't give a damn about it being 1mm to 2mm. It still is a linear scar.


2. Temporarily reducing tension does not affect the final outcome and the assumption is that tension is the only thing that causes stretch back.


What kind of pisses me off about this is that linear scars are supposed to be 1mm to 2mm to begin with so why it is that in 2015 we are only now seeing someting that supposedly ensures this?


I smell desperation. In fact this reminds me of what a doctor told me. "I think FUE is just a fad and strip will make a come back". This is the type of thinking that sinks clinics and closes their doors or at the very least relegates them to being shadows of their former selves.

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When I read the blurb, I couldn't help but laugh.


Obviously, the strippers are gonna go out kicking and screaming; the public will have to pry the scalpels from their cold, dead hands.


Look, I don't know anything about medicine. But in this case, I don't think you have to. It's really simple: once the public gets a taste of any new technology that's more convenient and less invasive, it won't ever accept anything less.


Now sure, there are some lingering problems with FUE yield, but public concern over those problems will manifest itself in the form of greater pressure to improve the FUE technique, not a willingness to go back to strip.


Selling strip in 2015 is like selling VHS in 1998.


It's over, Johnny.

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I was speaking to a friend of mine that is also in the biz. I told him that I think it is to the point that a comparison can be made to the VHS/Betamax wars of the 80's. Betamax was the better product but VHS won due to cheaper implentation and volume. Same thing with strip vs. FUE. Strip has a better yield, all other things being equal, compared to FUE but the cost of entry to FUE is much lower and the volume of clinics taking it on is exploding thus strip is the Betamax of our time.


I like strip, it works and it's reliable in better hands and I think that many patients benefit greatly from it. I'm a walking example of how strip can sometimes do what FUE cannot but I think that stunts like the one referenced here are ridiculous. Better strip clinics should just continue to do the best job they can and the patients that recognize the benefits and understand the shortcoming (singlular) will opt for it. Desperate games like the one above are not necessary.

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