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should i continue rogaine ?


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Hi everybody . I am a 21 year old female with genetic loss of hair . This is my first post here . Firstly thanks for creating this community of support .

Coming to the reason for this post , I have been using generic minoxidil 5% for three months followed by a change to rogaine 5% liquid for two months . there has been some shedding of thin hairs while on rogaine . however I am yet to see any regrowth . I am confused if I should continue using rogaine ? I do see some peach fuzz on my hairline but nothing significant.


Thank you .


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  • Senior Member

Don't bother. It's a temporary patch that doesn't work in the long run. It will also age your skin horribly.. You are better of letting your hair be and try natural products. Save for a transplant if it gets bad. But as of now your hair looks normal in the picture.

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  • Regular Member

I used Rogaine for a 18 months and still am not certain if it helped me.


My crown has lost a significant amount of hair, when I wasn't really balding there previously. And my hairline took a serious beating


However, the worst were the side affects elsewhere. I experienced constant low blood pressure and felt very dizzy after applying it to my scalp and temples.In addition I got pronounced crows feet around my eyes and my face became puffy. I felt utterly crap and struggled to function.


It annoys me that others seem to get good results but for me the stuff is poison. I will never touch it again.


Just a warning

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  • Regular Member

I used Rogaine for a 18 months and still am not certain if it helped me.


My crown has lost a significant amount of hair, when I wasn't really balding there previously. And my hairline took a serious beating


However, the worst were the side affects elsewhere. I experienced constant low blood pressure and felt very dizzy after applying it to my scalp and temples.In addition I got pronounced crows feet around my eyes and my face became puffy. I felt utterly crap and struggled to function.


It annoys me that others seem to get good results but for me the stuff is poison. I will never touch it again.


Just a warning

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Thanks for the replies . the issue is that rogaine is my best bet as the only fda approved drug for women. And I don't know if I'd even be a candidate for transplant later . I thought of prp but pretty unsure about its efficacy. This is so depressing . There seems to be no way out .

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  • Senior Member

Balding21 --


Are you sure it is genetic? Unlike with men, there are a whole host of reasons that women can be losing hair, and a dermatologist can give you a full work-up and try to find the cause. There may be many more options for you than the few that exist for males, but you want to get checked out and see what is happening. It could be related to your thyroid, etc. There are some excellent doctors who specialize in women's hair loss, depending upon where you live.


Just for the record, I had a better experience with Minoxidil than a lot of other people on here, but the downside was that it wore off after a number of years. Initial shedding can often be a sign that it is working by bouncing out the old, weak hairs and making room for the new ones.


Hope this was helpful...

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  • Senior Member

Have you should get tested...

May also look into supplements such as Biotin, msn this will not grow new hair but can be effective in making your hair stronger.


Instructions for rogain / Min is that you may not see any gains for at least 4/ 6 mths & yes your hair will feel crappy & thin for a while so stick with it for a little longer.


Not everyone gets the dark circles around the eyes or puffy face.


PRP maybe a option for you as I've seen good results for females than males so PRP may work better out for you.

How many you would need & how effective it would be it depends on how you react to such.


Best wishes.

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Thank you for the replies . My experience with minoxidil has been a little strange to be honest . when I started the generic version hair fall stopped completely . when I started rogaine after a couple months I saw little shedding of thin hairs. I am continuing with rogaine right now . I don't get why there should be a difference considering both are minoxidil primarily. No regrowth up until now (5 months ) . Honestly its scary to think minox not working .

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  • Senior Member

Just the pics & videos I've seen it looks like women get more out of it than men for whatever reason I've no idea.

I'm not a great fan of such, though it can be effective for pts having a combo with HT.

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