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Donor scar site


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  • Regular Member

I am 6 days post strip HT and my donor site both aches in several areas and sometimes throbs. No discharge though. It's very uncomfartable to lie on the pillow at night. Not many others on this forum seem to have a problem like this. Am I the only one? I have painkillers but are there any other suggestions? The HT seems stable though! Thanks.

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  • Regular Member

I am 6 days post strip HT and my donor site both aches in several areas and sometimes throbs. No discharge though. It's very uncomfartable to lie on the pillow at night. Not many others on this forum seem to have a problem like this. Am I the only one? I have painkillers but are there any other suggestions? The HT seems stable though! Thanks.

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you are fine. yes it will ache for a while (you just had surgery!). depending on whether you had sutures or staples, the level of discomfort varies. staples were more uncomfortable for me than sutures. my head ached when i laid on it for about 10 days.


sidebar....the combo of staples and disolvable sutures under the skin, although a nice idea, is turning out to be a pain for me. It's been a bit over 5 weeks, and the sutures are disolving, I guess, and the donor area is still very tender IN SOME SPOTS where maybe they havent yet begun to disolve. I hope the prolonged presence of those sutures doesn't present a healing problem. Time will tell.

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  • Senior Member

sidebar....the combo of staples and disolvable sutures under the skin, although a nice idea, is turning out to be a pain for me. It's been a bit over 5 weeks, and the sutures are disolving, I guess, and the donor area is still very tender IN SOME SPOTS where maybe they havent yet begun to disolve. I hope the prolonged presence of those sutures doesn't present a healing problem. Time will tell.


Hugh...you will be glad you had them, as they assist in keeping your scar from widening...dont forget, thats a pretty long scar on a pretty sensitive part of your body..imagine how sensitive a 12+ inch scar would be on your leg or stomach, even after 5 weeks!....be patient my man...its worth it..i have no tension in my scalp now, and even have a bit of laxity again..i thought it would NEVER untighten..but it does.,.,scar is now hard for me to even find with my fingers, it lays so flat and is not tender in one spot at all...



4600 grafts/ 12/10/2003/ Dr. Jerry Wong

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