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Need advice on hair transplant doctors!


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Hi everyone,


Been suffering from hair loss for years but have been controlling it with propecia and regain....I'm 43 now and I've gotten thin enough to get a hair transplant....I've researched couple of doctors here in LA area and my list is down to dr zeiring (Newport beach) and dr pak (new hair institute in LA). Please give me as much feedback as you can on both or either so I can finally suck it up and make a surgery appointment!


Thank u all in advance,



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  • Senior Member

Hey Sean. I think your best bet is to look at the full list of recommended doctors here on this site. Then look at their results, patient reviews, etc. and go from there. There are lots of HT doctors out there, but to make the most out of quality forums like this one, it's best to take these recommendations into account when looking for a doctor. You can also do a forum search for posts about the doctors you mentioned and see what others have said over the years. Dr. Ziering doesn't appear to have the best track record on here.


Obviously, I support Dr. Mohebi and would highly recommend him - especially if you're looking to stay in the LA area. But most importantly, do your research and make an informed decision that feels right for you.


Best of luck.

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

Check out my hair loss website for photos

FUE surgery by Dr. Mohebi on 7/31/14
2,001 grafts - Ones: 607; Twos: 925; Threes: 413; Fours: 56

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