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17/18 and Norwood 2-3.. Please Help.

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Hi guys, I'm 17 (3 months off of my 18th) and have been losing my hair for about the past year and a half maybe (16), I went from having a full head of hair to probably 60% volume within 4-5 months so it hit fast. I first noticed it at the hair dresser and booked an appointment with a dermatologist, this didn't come as a suprise to me as it is on both sides of my family. Father is a Norwood 7 and maternal grandfather was a norwood 7 aswell.. I just didn't know it would happen when i wasn't even out of highschool yet.


The dermatologist wrote me a prescription for 1.25mg finasteride per day (1/4 proscar pill) and i use nizoral 2 x a week. This has pretty much held my hair at bay but within maybe the last 4 months it has gotten worse, maybe 10-15%, especially on the right side of my temple.. I am pretty much a norwood 2.5 right now and have just a frontal forelock which is also pretty thin, I still have a 'full' head of hair as to put it however albeit thin and quite a bit receeded.


My main question is if finasteride has stopped my hairloss maybe 85-90% over a 14 month period does that mean I could maybe hold out another 2 years as it is kind of stable and then opt for a light- moderate FUE procedure (was thinking of going with Dr Rahal) and switching to dutasteride aswell to fully stop DHT and preserve my new head of hair and have light - moderate FUE top ups every few years IF need be until I am either at the age where I have gotten through my peak social years or new advancements have been released (replicel etc).

It really is hard and no young man should have to go through this, In a way it's turned me into a shell of my former self and I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemies, it truely is a soul crushing thing especially at my age when I have no one I can relate to. I just want to be able to get through my peak years worry free and then join the hairloss masses when its more 'accepted'.


I can attach photos if need be.


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  • Senior Member

Sorry to see your going through this at the age you're at. maybe theres an underlying problem. What did your derm say it could be? Or did he just prescribe you with pills and monox...


If its possible you could post some pics amd im sure the experts will chime in with there 2 cents.

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had a friend like that is HS. he had a bush on top of his head and started going bald his sophomore year. clumps of hair was falling out and he was seeing it in the shower drain. clumps he was saying.


honestly I don't think Fin is gonna do much for you. it seems to work for those slowly losing their hair to halt it but for those that have such rapid hairloss I don't see it stopping the hair loss.


really sorry to hear. I started losing mine in my early 20's and it was quite devestating. yes soul crushing is correct. its like a part of you is dyeing. its all gonna come down to how much donor hair u have.


some lose it fast but have strong donor hair to replace some of wat is lost. u will be totally bald by the time ur 25. shave it till then. then look to see wat ur donor looks like and proceed from there.


I wud still try the Fin but I wudnt put too much faith in it. problem with havn a HT in the next two years is ull still have native hairs that will almost surely fall out due to shock loss.


and the fact that u hav a family history of nw7's its pretty much guaranteed ull lose it all in the non safe zone. yes post some pics.

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Might want to go to your normal doctor, have him run some blood tests....it could be something there that might be reversible. Your body is still growing and evolving and dealing with hormones at your age. You are really young to suddenly go from what you consider full hair to 60%. Thyroid issues, vitamin deficiencies, etc. most definitely can make your hair fall out quickly and suddenly (great thing is those issues are reversible). Remember, with fin, you will occasionally have sheds but it will grow back....so try not to worry too much about that aspect. Most sheds start at 4-5 months, too, so that sounds normal. Great thing is you caught it early, so I think in a year you might really like what you see based off the FIN alone. You definitely are in the age group where you can be a great responder....but yes, FIN is going to take a year.


You should post some pics.....it's funny, I really started to get down about my hair when I was 19 because people think even the slightest recession is abnormal for that age (meaning a NW 1.5). Thus, I started wearing hats religiously.


Looking back now....I would kill to have my hair that I had when I was 19-25....because it was so much better than I had now (prior to my HT). Trust me man......I finally decided to do something about this the last 6 months getting on Fin and doing the HT...I don't have the greatest caliber hair...but I'll probably go from a NW4 to barely noticing hair loss at my age now. In other words, there is hope for you...you just have to come up with a plan, it's not going to be an overnight fix.

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