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Five Month Update - Dr. Bernstein

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I have updated my blog---5 months. I decided to take all pictures yesterday, which is exactly 5 months. Pictures are taken outside, in car (with sunroof cover open) and at work (new building with fluorescent lights). All pictures were taken with the iPhone. I also added two pictures taken about 2 weeks earlier taken with regular camera in more favorable lighting. As many of you noted, lighting makes a difference and pictures can be misleading. If I were to visit Dr. Bernstein today, I would share two concerns:


First, in regard to the right side hair line. The direction of hair is straight up with a lean to the center. I part my hair on the left side to the right, so that may be a problem down the road. The right hair line is also not as full as I hope it will be when all is said and done. My barber (hair cut last Tuesday) seemed to think the main issue is the length of the hairline at this time. He thinks once it grows out it should not be an issue. I do have a scare on that side and that be impacting the result.


My second concern is that the left side is coming in slower. The hairline is just beginning on left side, but is looking good. I am also wondering if there an area were there where no graphs or hair will not grow. I also have scar on that side, but not as pronounced as the other side.


Of course, like most everyone at 5 months, I am anticipating/hoping for more.


With all of this said, overall I am pleased with the progress over the past month. Coincidently, yesterday, exactly 5 months from the HT, I did get a very nice compliment on my hair from someone at work, which was nice since I struggle the most under those lights.

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  • Senior Member

I have updated my blog---5 months. I decided to take all pictures yesterday, which is exactly 5 months. Pictures are taken outside, in car (with sunroof cover open) and at work (new building with fluorescent lights). All pictures were taken with the iPhone. I also added two pictures taken about 2 weeks earlier taken with regular camera in more favorable lighting. As many of you noted, lighting makes a difference and pictures can be misleading. If I were to visit Dr. Bernstein today, I would share two concerns:


First, in regard to the right side hair line. The direction of hair is straight up with a lean to the center. I part my hair on the left side to the right, so that may be a problem down the road. The right hair line is also not as full as I hope it will be when all is said and done. My barber (hair cut last Tuesday) seemed to think the main issue is the length of the hairline at this time. He thinks once it grows out it should not be an issue. I do have a scare on that side and that be impacting the result.


My second concern is that the left side is coming in slower. The hairline is just beginning on left side, but is looking good. I am also wondering if there an area were there where no graphs or hair will not grow. I also have scar on that side, but not as pronounced as the other side.


Of course, like most everyone at 5 months, I am anticipating/hoping for more.


With all of this said, overall I am pleased with the progress over the past month. Coincidently, yesterday, exactly 5 months from the HT, I did get a very nice compliment on my hair from someone at work, which was nice since I struggle the most under those lights.

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Congratulations on some very nice growth, of course it will continue since you are early on. I know it sounds far off, but in my opinion - the real change occurs after a year or so, especially in us "older" guys when you plant a new lawn, rather than filling in between lots of existing hair. It's all fun for you now - best of luck.

Dec. 2004 - 1938 Grafts via Strip

Feb. 2009 - 1002 Grafts via FUE

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Your great growth phase is now beginning!


Like you, my left side was slower to grow, but over the continuing months, both sides became symmetrical growth-wise.


My experience was that each month for here on out brought new and steady growth. I'm sure yours will be the same.


Enjoy, you have to like what you (and your colleagues) are seeing.

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new- you are starting the fun part of this journey. I know it seems like it took forever to get to this point, but everyday will get better and better. The growth for you has just begun and now you have tons more to come from more hairs coming through to thickening/maturing of the hairs.


I know the lagging part of the recipient site is not fun, but give it time. My right side lags behind my left and the temples are darker and have not fully filled in yet. It just takes time.


But I think you are definitely seeing an improvement and will only see more soon!


Take care,

E (k)

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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Hang in there... you've got a looong way to go my friend. My growth didn't really take off until the 7-8 month mark. It's way too early to judge anything. Everyone here has been through the exact same thing... Bernstein knows his stuff and it will all grow in time.

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I think it's probably time to change your alias to "Beenonsiteawhile" :-).


Month by month things are slowly improving. It's amazing too how lighting makes a difference, don't you agree? You'll soon find that in optimal lighting conditions, that when your hair transplant is fully mature, you'll have a nice illusion of density and might even appear like a full head of hair. Harsh lighting however, brings us back to the reality that we'll never truly get a full head of hair back.


That said, things are coming along and you have several months of solid growth and thickening before you.


Don't get too hung up on the way the hair is growing in at this point (angulation). I'm sure Dr. Bernstein followed your natural pattern and in time, styling will become easier.


Best wishes,



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HairHope ??“ Thanks for taking the time to respond. I appreciate you sharing your perspective, and your words of encouragement and compliment.


Yogi's Dad ??“ Thanks, again, for all of your comments/support. Your result looks excellent. Very natural. I like what you recently added to your blog.


Eman ??“ As usual, thanks for all of your support throughout the process. Your presence on this site helps to make it the quality it is today. I tried to find a compliment on your result up to this point that had not already been said, but I gave up. I think Dr. Rahal should add your pictures to his web site.


Ceasar08 ??“ Thanks for your supporting comments. I appreciate you sharing your experience and thoughts on the process. It was helpful.


Bill - You are right. I should change my alias. Next time I sign up for a site as good as this one, I will plan my login name a little better. I am truly amazed at the significance of the difference in lighting. I knew there would be a difference, but not to the extent that it is. That is why, like many others have said, pictures only tell part of the story. Talking to and seeing patients are very important. I appreciate your comments on my progress. Please know that I am not judging the result at this time. I also want everyone to know that I am not criticizing Dr. Bernstein at all. Just sort of thinking out loud as I go through the process. Like you and others said, 5 months is too early to judge the final result. Congratulations on your recent HT. It looks very good. And thanks for your support of this site. You have a tough job (sometimes tougher than others) and you handle it very well.

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New, the big jump is from 6-9 months.At 9 months you are about 80% there, with the 20% coming in the form of the hairs getting thicker and thicker till about 18 months.Then at that point pretty much what you see is what you got.I had 2 transplants with Dr. Bernstein and just recently went to Dr Feller for some great FUE work to fill in the Bernstein grafts,as It will be my third Ht I'm hoping to be done, but with Dr. Fellers FUE I can see myself getting hair-greed. Best of luck to you and happy growing.

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forever young ??“ Thanks for taking the time to respond to my blog update. I appreciate you sharing your experience with Dr. Bernstein including time frame. Your results look very nice and natural. Of course, Dr. Feller has an excellent reputation and I am sure you will be very pleased with those results. I understand what you mean about hair greed. You are certainly not alone. Best of luck to you as well. Happy growing and keep up posted.

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