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forever young

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Everything posted by forever young

  1. New, the big jump is from 6-9 months.At 9 months you are about 80% there, with the 20% coming in the form of the hairs getting thicker and thicker till about 18 months.Then at that point pretty much what you see is what you got.I had 2 transplants with Dr. Bernstein and just recently went to Dr Feller for some great FUE work to fill in the Bernstein grafts,as It will be my third Ht I'm hoping to be done, but with Dr. Fellers FUE I can see myself getting hair-greed. Best of luck to you and happy growing.
  2. I had 1,000 fue grafts done by Dr Feller 10 days ago and I would say I'm about 85% healed,very little redness in the front and back. If it weren't for the shaving of the donor and recipient area, it would be 100% not noticeable. Hope this helps.
  3. Omy- Donor area is fine,this is a breeze compared to strip. What I meant regarding being a tough strip healer, is I heal with a wide stretched scar, and unfortunately for me, the healing process for the donor area for my strips remained uncomfortable and painful for quite some time,probably as a result of the stretching.I am also an active person, so this compounded with my healing abilities didn't help.Also the original surgeon who did both my strips used disolvable sutures,which I think contributed to my wide scar, he has since switched to staples, and did not feel they were necessary for my 2nd surgery. Perhaps had he used staples the 2nd time around,the result would be different. Mr GQ- Will post some pics and video soon, thanks for the good luck!
  4. Thanks Franklin, It does seem when a clinic does not know how to perform something, they will either bash it or tell you are not a candidate for it. I do feel as was with NHI at the time, that they could not perform large cases of FUE and knowing most people require at least 2,000 grafts when at the time(2002) they probably could only do a couple of hundred grafts if any at all. And they probably knew most people would prefer fue over strip for obvious reasons.So their method of testing for Fue candidacy was termed the FOX test,which as it so happened everyone was negative,so they sold strip. Thanks heavens for fue,so as we age and scars become bothersome,we can take care of them via FUE.
  5. Thanks for the luck guys,we actually shot some video of the FUE procedure, when I get that from Dr Feller I will link it to my blog along with more pics.
  6. Hi All, The deed is done.I had my FUE surgery on Wednesday,and as I had hoped for and expected went extremely well.As Dr. Feller will tell you during your consult not all individuals will be candidates for FUE,he reminded me of that prior to the test run which of course I was nervous about prior.As someone who had two prior strip surgeries I was hoping that FUE would be a viable choice for my third procedure and any future work I may have down the road.I am a tough strip healer and tend to heal stretched,which is why I opted for FUE.We began the procedure at 9AM, with the numbing of the back of the scalp,which anyone who has had work done knows the needles are the toughest part and the rest is painless throughout the actual procedure itself. Dr Feller began the initial test run, to see if I would be a candidate for Fue,and the first graft came out successfully,with a comment from Dr. Law who was on hand to watch Dr Feller in action, said jokingly"must be beginners luck". So Dr Feller continued on with the initial trial run where he hit an approximate 97% success rate of extraction. I was relieved to know that I was a candidate for Fue,as many years prior I was told I was FOX negative(NHI's way of determining fue candidacy) So we continued onward with the procedure as Dr Feller continued with a high success rate with the extractions. The method of Fue opposed to strip requires more hands on Doctors work,due to the fact that the grafts are being extracted one follicular unit at a time,some grafts extracted will be singles,doubles,triples,and fours. Dr Feller and his staff Placed only singles and doubles,so any 3's or 4's would be split accordingly. By around 12pm Dr Feller was Finished with the extractions,so we broke for lunch for a half hour then picked back up again at around 12:30 as we reviewed the hairline again. Once again another round of needles in the front to numb,and Dr Feller started the frontal incisions,for graft placement. The technicians began placing the grafts,as Dr Feller would periodically come in to check and make more incisions for the grafts. By 2:45pm the procedure was finished and Dr Feller and his staff had placed 983 grafts via FUE,which I thought went by extremely fast. Dr Feller is definately a master at his craft. He probably could have completed 1800 grafts via Fue, over an 8-10 hour session which I think is amazing. Some clinics could not complete 1800 grafts via strip in a single session.In comparison to strip I feel great two days after,no pain whatsoever and if It wasn't for the shaved haircut,I would be back to normal as usual.Kudo's to Dr Feller and his staff. I am excited and anxious to grow out and see my new hair. I only wish FUE was being practiced in 2002 when I had My first Ht Done, But I can graft my strip scar via fue down the road,should I choose. Dr Feller is definately going to lead the next decade in teaching and creating new tools for FUE, to help Doctors and patients achieve great results.
  7. Thanks for the luck. Hopefully after this next surgery I will be Done with Ht's for a while. I started a blog, feel free to check periodically for updates.
  8. Hi All, Looking forward to finally completing my hairlong journey dating back to my first procedure in 2002. I have a scheduled procedure the end of March With Dr Feller, we're looking to target 900 fue's to pack the hairline area a bit tighter as now my grafts are a bit thin and are in need of another procedure, I feel Dr Feller is performing more Fue surgeries on a regular basis, and because of his hands on experience routinely doing fue work,he is the one for the job. I will post before and after shots shortly, I'm excited to finally achieve what I originally set out for. Any experiences or feedback with fue work would be appreciated. Thanks
  9. Hi All, Looking forward to finally completing my hairlong journey dating back to my first procedure in 2002. I have a scheduled procedure the end of March With Dr Feller, we're looking to target 900 fue's to pack the hairline area a bit tighter as now my grafts are a bit thin and are in need of another procedure, I feel Dr Feller is performing more Fue surgeries on a regular basis, and because of his hands on experience routinely doing fue work,he is the one for the job. I will post before and after shots shortly, I'm excited to finally achieve what I originally set out for. Any experiences or feedback with fue work would be appreciated. Thanks
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