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2700 BY Dr Hakan DOGANAY on 17th-18th March


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  • Regular Member

Break Down

Day 1: 1300 (total)

Day 2: 1400 (total)

Single: 525

Double: 1175

Triple: 1000


I was collected from the airport which is not far from the hospital, arrived at the hospital which was nicer than any hospital I have been to in England! The room was very nice although a little noisy at night, but when I mentioned this they moved me to another room straight away and it was fine.

Day 1 of the operation Dr Hakan checked where I wanted my new hairline to be, I moved it back a bit because I still wanted to retain a bit of a reseeding hairline, as this is how it was before I started to lose my hair. Once that had all been discussed I was asked a few questions and was talked through the procedure. I decided to drop from the 3000-3500 grafts that had been given as an estimate via email based on the photos I sent Dr Hakan down to 2700 grafts, this is because I kept a bit of a reseeding hair line at the front and decided not to infill the back of my head. (will probably come back for this in a year if the front works out well!).

Then I was given a pill that makes you relaxed, which kicks in pretty quick! then into the procedure room where I laid down and they start to inject your head to numb the area where the donor hair is going to be taken from, this hurts a bit like an injection at the dentist and is by far the worst bit of the whole procedure.

This harvesting of the existing hair out the back of your head doesn't hurt at all and is almost relaxing to my amazement. About 6/7 other people in the room separate out the singles, doubles and triple hairs ready to be put back into your head as quickly as possible, which I imagine is a good idea.... Then they have to inject the implant area at the front of your head which again hurts a bit, but only for a second. Then Dr Hakan starts to put in your new hair, again no pain at all and I did fall asleep after I got them to take a photo of me to show a few of the guys at the office that need it done too!

Day 2

All the same process repeated on day 2, they just increased the hair density at the front to middle of my head where they had already implanted hair the day before.

Day 3

They wash your head after lunch and talk through the care procedure for the coming months to ensure the maximum number to implants survive, I was told an average result was 85%. I will be happy with 50% up so fingers crossed!

Photos to follow


I am still at the clinic right now on Friday I will fly back to the UK.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

These photos were taken today, so its been just over 2 weeks since the procedure with Dr Hakan. The scabs are gradually falling off and I'm trying to wash my hair carefully 3 times a day sometimes I can only fit in twice due to working hours.


The side views show new hair clearly and I have annotated it on one of the photos.




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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Well I was told 85-95% is average but I will let you know in a few months!

At the moment I've lots about 70% of the new hair from the shedding as it's been 4-5 weeks since the transplant but fingers crossed most of it will come back!

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  • 7 months later...
  • Regular Member
Break Down

Day 1: 1300 (total)

Day 2: 1400 (total)

Single: 525

Double: 1175

Triple: 1000


I was collected from the airport which is not far from the hospital, arrived at the hospital which was nicer than any hospital I have been to in England! The room was very nice although a little noisy at night, but when I mentioned this they moved me to another room straight away and it was fine.

Day 1 of the operation Dr Hakan checked where I wanted my new hairline to be, I moved it back a bit because I still wanted to retain a bit of a reseeding hairline, as this is how it was before I started to lose my hair. Once that had all been discussed I was asked a few questions and was talked through the procedure. I decided to drop from the 3000-3500 grafts that had been given as an estimate via email based on the photos I sent Dr Hakan down to 2700 grafts, this is because I kept a bit of a reseeding hair line at the front and decided not to infill the back of my head. (will probably come back for this in a year if the front works out well!).

Then I was given a pill that makes you relaxed, which kicks in pretty quick! then into the procedure room where I laid down and they start to inject your head to numb the area where the donor hair is going to be taken from, this hurts a bit like an injection at the dentist and is by far the worst bit of the whole procedure.

This harvesting of the existing hair out the back of your head doesn't hurt at all and is almost relaxing to my amazement. About 6/7 other people in the room separate out the singles, doubles and triple hairs ready to be put back into your head as quickly as possible, which I imagine is a good idea.... Then they have to inject the implant area at the front of your head which again hurts a bit, but only for a second. Then Dr Hakan starts to put in your new hair, again no pain at all and I did fall asleep after I got them to take a photo of me to show a few of the guys at the office that need it done too!

Day 2

All the same process repeated on day 2, they just increased the hair density at the front to middle of my head where they had already implanted hair the day before.

Day 3

They wash your head after lunch and talk through the care procedure for the coming months to ensure the maximum number to implants survive, I was told an average result was 85%. I will be happy with 50% up so fingers crossed!

Photos to follow


I am still at the clinic right now on Friday I will fly back to the UK.


Hello Bkpc


Can you please update your current pictures here




I am not medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice

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  • Senior Member
Boy, you're all over all of your doc's threads looking for "good" results...very fishy.


It's painful. Its funny how you dont see any Rahal, Shapiro, Konior, or H+W patient directors plugging their threads.


Take Garageland for example, you wouldn't even know he consults for H+W if not for his signature. It's just not the correct way to conduct business.


Unfortunately nobody seems to be safeguarding this so committed fourm members have to act as neighborhood watchdogs. Hopefully that changes soon.

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