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Anyone not have growth till 12 months?

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It has been over one year since my hair transplant and I have not had significant growth. Is it possible that my growth phases is just a lot different than everyone else's?


I have been taking propecia and rogaine. The propecia has definately made my existing hair much thicker, and the thin hairs I had in my crown have filled in thicker.


The problem is that my transplanted hairs have hit a standstill.


They did definitely pop through the surface though. I can feel them with my finger tips.


Why aren't they growing longer?

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Do you have any before and after pictures you can share? That, along with surgial details including the number of grafts, where they were placed and postoperative photos if you have them will help us gauge how much growth you've had.


It is possible to see some new growth up to 18 months however, in most cases, 95% of the transplanted hair has grown and matured.


Keep us posted on what Dr. Ross has to say about your results.


If after Dr. Ross examines you and determines your growth is less than optimal, I trust he'll stand behind you and help you get the results you deserve.


Best wishes,



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I will take some pics soon and get the old ones. I had about 2100 grafts if I remember.


But the question still remains, has anyone heard of the growth process start out at 12 months?


It's not like they aren't growing, they hairs definitely came through the surface, but they are like just stuck at stubble.


That's kind of promising news right?

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One year after transplant. Hair is dry. I have been on propecia and rogaine for about 11 months. Any thickness you see are the thin, pre-existing hairs in the crown that thickened. More to the front of the head, which received no transplanted hairs, becane much thicker as well.


Like I said I can feel the stubble all over with my finger tips.


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I haven't heard of the hair growth process starting at one year, however, if you are seeing new signs of growth, this is a good sign that this hair should continue to grow.


Do you have any pictures of your scalp before surgery? The 2100 grafts that were placed appear to be placed over a large balding area. Thus, I'm beginning to wonder if you really did experience the majority of your growth and just expected more. This of course may not be the case, but seeing before photos of the top of your scalp would help. Honestly, 2100 grafts spread out over a large balding scalp isn't going to create a lot of density.


I sent Dr. Ross an email late last night notifying him of your concerns posted on this topic. Hopefully he or a member of his staff will chime in here as well. I also hope you'll report back to us what Dr. Ross says after he evaluates your scalp.


Best wishes,



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I will let you know what Dr.Ross says Bill. I know what you are saying about the expectations of density, but it seems like 99% of the transplanted hairs are just stubble. I guess if it is any comfort to me, at least they hairs popped through the surface.

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I went to see Dr.Ross today. It looks as if the grafts are growing, just some of the hairs from some of the follicles are taking longer to grow in my case. But you can definitely see they are growing under the magnification.


By the way I never did give my review of my surgery.


I am very difficult to please but Dr.Ross and his staff were excellent. I wasn't anxious at all until the moment right before they began to shave the donor area, then it all sank in quickly. But his staff made the process really easy to deal with and so I was quite calm. Of course the drugs do help. icon_wink.gif


Dr.Ross did a top notch job with the suture of the donor area, healed perfectly. I had minimal pain after the surgery, no infection, everything healed well.


My purpose of this post was only to see if anyone else has had a delayed growth timeline with their transplant. I did not imply at all that Dr.Ross did anything wrong because no evidence pointed in that direction.


I basically wrote this post to gain comfort, hoping others had their growth spurt closer to the one year mark.



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I'm in a similar boat being just over 5 months out. My left side of the hairline I see some improvement but not as much as I expected. I tend to focus on one particularly bald area in the hairline and I can barely see any growth at all. On my right I can feel an even distribution of stubble but has been stuck that way for 6+ weeks now.


I'm not sure what to make of this as my hair used to grow very quickly. This has slowed in the last couple of months possibly due to fin. Normally that hair should have been 3" by now. Everything else is growing slower but is definitely still growing.


Still waiting this one out but just letting you know you may not be the only one.

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How are you? I had just read your comment/concern regarding stubble growth. I hope that your hairs are growing as of now. I had my procedure 14 months ago, and the crown area still feels stubbly. My MD was not very nice when I went back to question this procedure. He did not use a microscope, and evaded my question regarding whether or not the stubbles would grow. After asking him 6 times, he said they should grow. This was a mistake to go to this surgeon. I would like to know if your stubbles have been growing?

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