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18 Going on 40. Seeking Advice and Answers.

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Hi guys,


So as I am new to this forum and new to reaching out in general I'd like to quickly share my story about what led me to reach out in the first place.


First of all, I'm 18 years old and I've been receding since I was about twelve or thirteen, which was when I started going through puberty. I was born with my fathers hairline; a naturally high hairline with virtually no temples. I always asked him why my hairline was so messed up when I was little, but he just convinced me it was normal. As I grew throughout the years I began to become extremely self conscious of my hairline so I grew my hair longer. I've been getting my hair cut by the same girl for six years and she does a great job at hiding the hairline. But when I go out and play basketball, or ride my bike, or anything like that it shows, and I get picked on terribly. Recently, I reached out to a local hair restoration clinic in my hometown and the staff there are wonderful. I'm currently washing, conditioning, and scalp treating with a product called Hair Support. It involves deep cleaning of the scalp, and re-activating the follicles that may be shutting down due to MPB, or something along those lines. I'm about two weeks into the treatment.


Throughout the past year I've researched several hair transplant surgeons in my area, I've even gone for a consult at a local institution, but I didn't feel secure with the surgeon and staff. The surgeon told me they'd start with 1200 grafts FUT to see how the frontal recession would fill in, but I felt like I wasn't being treated with sincerity. I felt like I had a price tag over my head. I never returned the clinics call after that day. I researched another institution but they said they wouldn't operate on kids as young as I, but it sucks. It really does.


I hate seeing my friends with full heads of hair, and I hate thinking that my career is going to suffer due to my lack of confidence. I know there's probably many worse things that could happen to me, and I know I shouldn't let it get to me, but it's tough at this age. I feel as though my youth was stolen from me. I am doing so well academically in college, and my physique is looking better than ever, but this DAMN HAIRLINE!:mad:


In this post I've attached some pics of my hairline & my questions are as follows


1) Is there ANY surgeon who would perform a hair transplant surgery on me within the next couple years when I have more money saved up?


2) My doctor said I should get on Rogaine, I asked him about Propecia and he said he hadn't much experience with it. Which is best if at all for an 18 year old?


3) How do you cope with hair loss at my age. It's taken a severe toll on my psyche.


Any responses would be so greatly appreciated.





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First thing, have you gone to a dermatologist? I would definitely do that. A HT surgeon can certainly give you similar advice, but a dermatologist can do things like scalp biopsies and other examinations that a surgeon might not be able to do. Also a surgeon is driven by getting business and may be a bit biased where as a dermatologist at best will try to sell you some cremes. My dermatologist prescribed a course of treatment that HELPED big time. I went from a crazy itchy scalp (which is also a sign of hair loss) to a stable, non itchy scalp and I don't know for sure, but I think my hair loss has stabilized since then. That's the main thing you want.


I would also suggest looking into a laser helmet. I don't know if they work but there are studies that back it up. I avoided propecia for years because of the potential side effects and the fact that I would have to take it for the rest of my life (or at least until I stopped caring about hair loss). But LLLT is not a drug like propecia or rogaine, although it's a device that if it works you would want to use for the long haul.


I have one (I won't mention which one to be unbiased) and I put it on for 20 minutes 3-4x a week while I surf the web. I can't say that I see a difference good or bad, but that's potentially a good thing as my hope is it's slowing down hair loss. Who knows. I say arm yourself with as much information and options as possible to make the best possible choice/course of action.


Anyway, here's a thread with a lot of good links on LLLT: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/178620-post-surgical-lllt-timeframe-question-drs-please-weigh-post2423481.html#post2423481


Also, this is an interesting video done by a reputable news organization on hair loss treatments:

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My hairline began to recede at about 19 and I had a very mature hairline through my 20s and early 30s before my h air began to really thing out. I know how you feel.


The advantage you have today that I didn't is access to affordable hair loss drugs in generic form. At 18 you are ok to use finasteride and I suggest giving it a go. There are lots of dead ends in the hair loss treatment market but finasteride and minoxidil are the only clinically proven and FDA approved treatments.


Having said that, there are no guarantees that either will work and neither is likely to restore your hairline. However, they can add density and slow the progression of hair loss when used in combination.


Most guys will get a prescription for generic 5mg finasteride and quarter the tablet. Doing so can get you 4 month supply for about $9! You can buy generic minoxidil liquid or foam very inexpensively as well.


Take some time to educate yourself on potential side effects. Finasteride can cause some sexual sides but, if you experience them, they should subside on discontinuation.


Hair transplant surgery is probably not going to be a good idea for you for quite some time. But, I always say that there is no h arm in consulting with a skilled and reputable hair transplant surgeon like those we recommend. They will give it to you straight and will be able to help you formulate a long-term plan for treating your hair loss that will work for you now and in the future.


Best of luck!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Some good advice there.

I must say if you do decide on Meds such as Fin or Min you may shed some hairs esp at the first few months which sounds crazy but its a positive showing that the Meds are working for you.


This remember is a life time commitment & from what I've seen & read that the younger you catch this the much better you will be yrs down the line of which there is a lot of us oldies wished we got on Meds a long time ago & saved ourselfs a lot more hair if we did.


Also last point is that HT should be the very last resort esp at a young age & treating MPB via some form of Medical is your first steps.


Take a look around the forum & educate yourself more about your situation.


Good luck.

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Take a look at my signature. You will be just fine if you take meds.





I took a look at your website and all I can say is wow, I am blown away by the hair on your brother as he has kept it for all these years. Your hairline looks actually quite similar to mine but in the new photos you look great. The growth you have is amazing. I truly wish I had found out about treatment at a younger than I am now. I wish I wasn't a Norwood 3 already but at least I can save what I have. I'm definitely going to take a look at and research up on Dutasteride. I'm also talking to my mom about buying Minodoxil and giving that a go for now.


I'm very hesitant to take Fin as I am scared about the sexual side effects, but overall I want to thank you all for your responses to my post. Being 18 it's hard to reach out to people, especially friends because they have NO idea what it's like. I am so grateful to have found a site like this, and I look forward to becoming more educated on the subject. Learning about all of this is actually quite interesting and makes me want to major in the medical field instead of business haha! xD

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Ok, just to clarify, that is not me in the website. But a good case study I point to guys who are starting to attack their hair loss, as you know, picture is worth a thousand words.


As for doing medicine, go for it, we need more doctors interested in MPB. :D

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Hi badjeans,

Things aren't as bad as you think. Your density is terrific and you're aware of your hairloss and not in denial. Get on some meds. Finasteride or dutasteride is your best bet. If maintaining your hair is important to you, I wouldn't get talked out of these medications if I were you unless you try them and develop severe side effects (rare). In a few years your friends will be losing hair and you'll maybe be right where you are or even in better shape than you are at this moment while they are scrambling for solutions. Whatever you do, don't get a HT at this point even if someone were to pay you to do it. Let your hairloss stabilize first and then reasses at the very earliest a few years after college / into mid to late 20's or early 30's preferably. Best of luck to you.

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Fin should be your first Med prior before jumping on Dut also Fin is a lot cheaper

You can also google berstein medical to see before & after Pics of people who's taking Fin from 1 yr to 6 yrs which may give you some sort of idea of what Meds will do for you.


Remember this is a life time commitment.


Good luck.

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