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DHI nightmare Scar fixed by Dr. Lindsey


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Hi All,

I came on this site a few months ago asking advice about scar repair and I would like to thank everyone who gave me advice particularly the person who suggested Dr. Lindsey. Without this site and its members I would be in the same situation if not worse than before.


I had my first HT at the age of 21 with DHI in Athens who told me I would have a fine white paper thin line on the back of my head. They absoluely butchered me and I was left with a massive scar about 23cm across and nearly 1cm wide. The scar was red/pink and risen for nearly 2 years until the colour finaly lightened (see photo below). If this wasn't bad enough they gave me very little hair on top (can't remember how many grafts). As an aspiring professional sportsman and young man in general this was extremely difficult for me as I had to wear my hair long to cover the scar but having very thin pluggy looking hair on top.


Two years later I stupidly went back to them because they promised to fix the scar and make my hair better. They made the hair slightly better (still terrible by any standards) and made the scar slightly worse! In fact they blamed me for the poor scar saying that I had been too active, where in actual fact I had done nothing for 3 months. Not to mention they did not use enough anesthetic and I was in agony during and after the procedure for weeks. Fu$%ing Bast$*ds. As a result I gave up on playing sport at a top level and have lost a huge amount of self confidence over the last seven years.


Last year I finally decided to do something about it once and for all. I went to Dr. Bernstein but he told me there was nothing he could do. I was extremely disappointed but respect his honesy. This year I did some research about fixing scars but found very little. I came across a site where Dr. Cole FUEs into the scar. I rang them and they promised me a price reduction if I booked that day. I nearly did, but came across this site and asked about Dr. Cole. A couple of you told me you had been butchered by him and thought FUE into a scar should be the last option (thank you). Don't be pressured by doctors offering price reductions, your life is worth so much more.


Then some of you suggested Dr. Lindsey for scar repair. So I rang him. Firstly, can I say he was the first doctor that would actually speak to me on the phone (couldn't speak to Dr Cole or Dr Feller). I told him my first goal was to fix the scar and then to improve my hair. He explained to me about double edged sword (http://hair-restoration-info.c...21087683/m/648105272) whereby I might have to choose scar or hair. Fortunately he was able to fix the scar using trichophytic closure and do 1400 grafts (see pics - http://hair-restoration-info.c...21087683/m/648105272). The pictures speak for themselves. I am only 9 days post op but am already thrilled with the results. It must be noted that Dr. Lindsey is one of the few HT doctors that is also a qualified plastic surgeon (and an extremely good one). I found this incredible and believe this should be a requirement for performing HTs). I also want to say how friendly and professional Dr. Lindsey and all of his staff were to me especially his personal assistant Wendy who was absolutely amazing. I experienced no pain at all during or after the procedure, which was one of my biggest fears.


Finally, I would like to offer my advice to people going for their first HT - SHAVE YOUR HEAD!! - you look better than you think, you may lose confidence but suck it up its way better than the alternative. However, if for some reason you have to do it or you need to fix a previous HT please choose your doctor carefully. I can fully recommend Dr. Lindsey. I will post my results of scar after 1 month and hair after 3-6 months. DO NOT go to DHI.




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  • Regular Member

Hi All,

I came on this site a few months ago asking advice about scar repair and I would like to thank everyone who gave me advice particularly the person who suggested Dr. Lindsey. Without this site and its members I would be in the same situation if not worse than before.


I had my first HT at the age of 21 with DHI in Athens who told me I would have a fine white paper thin line on the back of my head. They absoluely butchered me and I was left with a massive scar about 23cm across and nearly 1cm wide. The scar was red/pink and risen for nearly 2 years until the colour finaly lightened (see photo below). If this wasn't bad enough they gave me very little hair on top (can't remember how many grafts). As an aspiring professional sportsman and young man in general this was extremely difficult for me as I had to wear my hair long to cover the scar but having very thin pluggy looking hair on top.


Two years later I stupidly went back to them because they promised to fix the scar and make my hair better. They made the hair slightly better (still terrible by any standards) and made the scar slightly worse! In fact they blamed me for the poor scar saying that I had been too active, where in actual fact I had done nothing for 3 months. Not to mention they did not use enough anesthetic and I was in agony during and after the procedure for weeks. Fu$%ing Bast$*ds. As a result I gave up on playing sport at a top level and have lost a huge amount of self confidence over the last seven years.


Last year I finally decided to do something about it once and for all. I went to Dr. Bernstein but he told me there was nothing he could do. I was extremely disappointed but respect his honesy. This year I did some research about fixing scars but found very little. I came across a site where Dr. Cole FUEs into the scar. I rang them and they promised me a price reduction if I booked that day. I nearly did, but came across this site and asked about Dr. Cole. A couple of you told me you had been butchered by him and thought FUE into a scar should be the last option (thank you). Don't be pressured by doctors offering price reductions, your life is worth so much more.


Then some of you suggested Dr. Lindsey for scar repair. So I rang him. Firstly, can I say he was the first doctor that would actually speak to me on the phone (couldn't speak to Dr Cole or Dr Feller). I told him my first goal was to fix the scar and then to improve my hair. He explained to me about double edged sword (http://hair-restoration-info.c...21087683/m/648105272) whereby I might have to choose scar or hair. Fortunately he was able to fix the scar using trichophytic closure and do 1400 grafts (see pics - http://hair-restoration-info.c...21087683/m/648105272). The pictures speak for themselves. I am only 9 days post op but am already thrilled with the results. It must be noted that Dr. Lindsey is one of the few HT doctors that is also a qualified plastic surgeon (and an extremely good one). I found this incredible and believe this should be a requirement for performing HTs). I also want to say how friendly and professional Dr. Lindsey and all of his staff were to me especially his personal assistant Wendy who was absolutely amazing. I experienced no pain at all during or after the procedure, which was one of my biggest fears.


Finally, I would like to offer my advice to people going for their first HT - SHAVE YOUR HEAD!! - you look better than you think, you may lose confidence but suck it up its way better than the alternative. However, if for some reason you have to do it or you need to fix a previous HT please choose your doctor carefully. I can fully recommend Dr. Lindsey. I will post my results of scar after 1 month and hair after 3-6 months. DO NOT go to DHI.



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Thanks ej,

I just want to add something important to consider before having strip surgery. If you receive a bad scar there will be a line however thick (23cm x 1cm in my case) across the back of your head with NO HAIR. This might not be obvious if you grow your hair long enough to cover it but when your hair is wet thats a different matter and most doctors don't talk about this. It means simple everyday things like going for a swim, walking or playing sport in the rain (or even not in the rain if you sweat enough your head will become wet) become NOT SO SIMPLE. You can't do any of these without people noticing the scar. If the doc uses trichophytic closure hair will grow back thru the scar making it less noticable (thats what I'm hoping anyway), but you will still have a scar. I am writing all of this because I never want anyone to experience what I have. I am not a doctor and these are only my opinions.

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  • Regular Member

Thanks Spex,

Wasn't intending to dis you or Dr. Feller in any way, it's just nice to be able to speak with the doc who's gonna rip you open! But I understand how busy doctors can be. Your initial advice some months ago regarding Lindsey/Feller is sincerely appreciated, keep up the good work.


Thanks again, GlenB.

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