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Finasteride Update: ~ 10 Months


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Alright so I'm 23, 24 in a few months. Strong MPB on mothers side, moderate MPB on fathers side. I started noticing my hairline was receding and thinning out just before I turned 22, although looking back my hairline had probably already receded.


Finasteride Experience


I don't know if I went through as massive shed or what, but my hairline and temples continued to recede and thin since I have started Finasteride.


My hairline was probably a thinning NW 2 and now its a NW 2 with thinning in a NW 3 pattern. Although I think I'm experiencing a regrowth of sorts over the past couple of months. The thinning region behind the corners of my hairline shows less scalp and hair on top of my head seems thicker.


About 1.5 years ago I could pull my hair back and get away with it, not anymore. My hairline has about half an inch on thin, still pigmented, wispy hairs. If these thickened up to normal I would be extremely happy. That's why I'm thinking of adding in Dutasteride 2 days per week. See If I can resurrect theses hairs before they die off.


I was using Nizoral shampoo but god it made my hair dry and wispy. Not using minoxidil because I don't want the risk of pre-mature wrinkles.


Side Effects


Libido is a little lower, abdominal fat a bit more stubborn, eyelashes are thicker, less body hair, testicles have shrunk. Nothing that is overly concerning, just annoying.




I'm reasonably happy with what fin has given me so far, general maintenance. Shedding has pretty much stopped within the last month. Maybe the best is yet to come, especially given I haven't even been on fin for 18+ months.


If only my hairline responded like the rest of my hair I would be very pleased.

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  • Senior Member

This is a great report and I'm glad you're finding success with this. Do you happen to have any pictures you can share?

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

Check out my hair loss website for photos

FUE surgery by Dr. Mohebi on 7/31/14
2,001 grafts - Ones: 607; Twos: 925; Threes: 413; Fours: 56

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  • Regular Member
This is a great report and I'm glad you're finding success with this. Do you happen to have any pictures you can share?


Sorry I don't have any pictures.


Am I right in thinking the best of fin is yet to come since I have only just stopped shedding?

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  • Senior Member

Fin works in different ways for people.

They say 12mths gives you the idea but I also read that it shows positive results upto 5 yrs.

But I say this, if it has slowed down your hair loss then that's a big plus so maybe you have came through the storm & given more time you may or may not see anything change again you say you slowed down your hair loss & that's one battle won so stick with it.


Best wishes

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Yeah overall I think my hair is on the way to improving from where it was 12 months ago.


The thing that seems to be slowing my progress at the moment is my concurrent use of dexedrine for ADHD.



It makes me shed like crazy. I know it's not really MPB related loss, but I have been using dex relatively consistently for the past 14 months and my hair has definitely been dried out by it.

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  • Senior Member

Yep...I wouldn't jump on Dus right now if I was you.

Give it a little more time 6/12 mths & see what is what.


Its always good advice to speak with your Dr or Derm to keep a close eye on your situation being your on other Meds as you say.


Good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member
Yeah overall I think my hair is on the way to improving from where it was 12 months ago.


The thing that seems to be slowing my progress at the moment is my concurrent use of dexedrine for ADHD.



It makes me shed like crazy. I know it's not really MPB related loss, but I have been using dex relatively consistently for the past 14 months and my hair has definitely been dried out by it.


This may be slightly off topic, but have you considered looking into Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help treat your ADHD? I had great success with CBT in the past to really help me get my anxiety disorder under control (I had pretty severe OCD for almost 20 years), and there are reports that it can help with ADD/ADHD as well. I'm not sure if it could completely replace the medication, but it would be worth looking into.... Then you could potentially stop the shedding being caused by the meds.

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

Check out my hair loss website for photos

FUE surgery by Dr. Mohebi on 7/31/14
2,001 grafts - Ones: 607; Twos: 925; Threes: 413; Fours: 56

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  • Senior Member
This may be slightly off topic, but have you considered looking into Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help treat your ADHD? I had great success with CBT in the past to really help me get my anxiety disorder under control (I had pretty severe OCD for almost 20 years), and there are reports that it can help with ADD/ADHD as well. I'm not sure if it could completely replace the medication, but it would be worth looking into.... Then you could potentially stop the shedding being caused by the meds.


Sound advice there buddy.

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