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Other than propecia, what other easy-to-use meds should I try in addition?


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I'm not sure if I'm willing to use lotions daily as that is kinda a pain in the butt. It also freaks me out because I don't like to touch my hair cause I think it pulls more out. Massaging lotion onto my scalp would only freak me out more.


Anyway, all recommendations are welcome, I figure that I might as well use one or two other things to see if that helps me regrow my hairline.

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  • Regular Member

I'm not sure if I'm willing to use lotions daily as that is kinda a pain in the butt. It also freaks me out because I don't like to touch my hair cause I think it pulls more out. Massaging lotion onto my scalp would only freak me out more.


Anyway, all recommendations are welcome, I figure that I might as well use one or two other things to see if that helps me regrow my hairline.

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If Rugger sees this he's probably gonna tell you to get on MSM, which is a good advice to help with the growth. But it won't do anything for your hairline and won't stop your hairloss unfortunately.


I'm in the same boat re: the minox. Can't be bothered to put it on my hair twice a day for the rest of my life. But there are guys here who've had significant improvement & are very pleased with it! Just bear in mind that, like Finasteride, once you start it there's no turning back.


What's your story, how old are you, are you considering an HT? The more details you give, the better the answers will be.

3045 FUs with Dr Victor Hasson on 8 June 2004

1836 FUs with Dr Jeffrey Epstein on 2 March 2006

Regimen: 1.25mg Proscar every other day

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I'm 22 years old, my hair line is receding but I'm not really losing it anywhere else. But I'm very paranoid about it.


My mother's father isn't bald and neither is my father so I'm not sure if I should be so worried but I can't help it. It started falling out a year and a half ago.


It's not bad enough at all for a hair transplant but I would try and get one if it went that far.

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Man I hope you realize most of us here would kill for your hair! You know what, I wouldn't do much right now (other than taking MSM maybe). See how it goes in say 6 months. Considering your family history, your hairline might just stop receding on its own without external intervention. Maybe you don't like the fact that your hairline is perhaps slightly higher than those you see around you, but honestly there's nothing wrong with it. Thick crown, no "power alleys", maybe not as dense as you'd wish but again density varies greatly with individuals, regardless of hairloss status.


Try a new hairstyle, try buzzing it & see how you like this look, try thickening shampoos if you want but don't get into some non-reversible process (HT, Finasteride or minox) just now. That's what I would do if I was in your shoes anyway... & I wish I was: you look great! Surely you don't have any problems with girls!


Has anyone said anything to you re: your hair? I don't know how you looked 5 or 6 years ago, but if I met you in the street right now I certainly wouldn't think "this guy is getting bald".

3045 FUs with Dr Victor Hasson on 8 June 2004

1836 FUs with Dr Jeffrey Epstein on 2 March 2006

Regimen: 1.25mg Proscar every other day

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Well i have definately noticed a difference at my temples, they have started going back/receding. It's not a HUGE difference as I've always had a high hairline but I've noticed it. Also, the very center of the front of my hairline, as can be seen in the picture, is thinning. I find this kinda of weird because I've never noticed this on anyone with a receding hair line.


The main problem is that I have a lot of hair that falls out when I touch it. So I don't touch it, ever. icon_smile.gif


But lets say my girlfriend runs her fingers through my hair, if i go to the sink and just brush the loose hairs off my head with my hands i'll find maybe 15 or so hairs. And this isn't counting the ones that likely fell off when she was playing with it.


I'm basically trying to stop the hairloss before I notice much a difference but by the sound of it, the hairline is nearly impossible to slow down/stop.



By the way, would you say I have a large head? Do you think I'd look bad if I had to shave my head completely in the future? I've always though I had a large forehead and head in general so thats the main reason I'm so concerned with losing my hair.

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  • Regular Member

are you using propecia already?? i couldn't

quite tell from your post.If not, at least

visit a dermatologist,and see if they will

prescribe you propecia.If you are in an area

with a reputable ht surgeon they can have

a close look at your head,and give you a better

diagnosis.NO reputable surgeon will consider you a candidate for HT.

Once you get the prescription for propecia,

instead of taking one pill a day as indicated,

take a 1/2 pill every day.There are numerous

studies showing that one's benefit from a 0.5

dose per day is pretty near the same as a 1.0

dose per day.i have even seen studies where

patients have derived benefit from 0.33 pill

per day.

As for topicals,stay away from them for

now.see how effective the propecia is for

at least a year.

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tao- Just an fyi- I've been on Propecia (Proscar) and it's working great- I'm sold on it. As far as Minox- I've been using it- Not sure if it's helping a bunch since the Proscar seems to be working fine.


The Minox isn't really a big deal to use- I get out of the shower, drip it in, rub it in and blow dry my hair- I do it a second time right before bed- So I don't care if it gets messed up a bit. As far as it having any sort of sticky/goopy properties- Not so much- It seems like it's just like water. I use the Costco brand though- So maybe Rogaine is different. Also- The Kirkland brand is $20/4 months supply.


On the flip side- If today I hadn't ever started using it- I might not start- It's just that close- The Proscar works great- I just can't tell if the Minox is helping...


Not sure If this helps- Just my experience!

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I haven't been on propecia very long (2-3 weeks).. I havent experianced any side effects yet... To me its worth it though, I'd rather have the side effects and have the option to still use my junk rather going bald on having no girl want my sorry ass

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As the others pointed out already, you should stay on the Propecia (or Proscar) if you have been on it this long. If you do not think you would be diligent with the regimen of applying Minoxidil everyday, then I would strongly advise against starting it. As you may already know, starting Minoxidil and then stopping at a later date can be pretty disastrous.


As far as other medications, remember that Minoxidil and Finasteride are the ONLY FDA approved medications that have been clinically proven to regrow hair or at least stagnate hair loss. There are many "snake-oil" remedies out there that make fantastic claims and cost an even more fantastic price. Go with what works and take care of yourself nutritionally and physically. Many on this board utilize MSM, especially after a hair transplant procedure. There are many who say this helps to speed hair growth and even give it a thicker, healthier appearance. While I cannot validate this claim, myself, I have to admit that I did jump on the bandwagon less than a month ago, so it's too early to tell. I'll keep the forum informed of my personal results, but if you want to know more about it, there is plenty of information about it in the forum archives. A "Search" of them can be done by clicking the "Find" button at the top of your screen and typing in the word.


If it does work for you, don't thank me, thank Rugger!






As forum moderator and a Patient Advocate for the Coalition I'm available to answer any questions.


To view animations and videos and learn about leading hair restoration physicians visit http://www.regrowhair.com/our_physicians.asp



Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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Actually, thank Futzy! I seem to remember he was the 1st one (on this forum) to use it. But I agree Rugger has made MSM sales rocket. He is now enjoying retirement in his West Palm Beach mansion, all expenses paid by happy MSM producers.

3045 FUs with Dr Victor Hasson on 8 June 2004

1836 FUs with Dr Jeffrey Epstein on 2 March 2006

Regimen: 1.25mg Proscar every other day

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Actually, thank Futzy! I seem to remember he was the 1st one (on this forum) to use it. But I agree Rugger has made MSM sales rocket. He is now enjoying retirement in his West Palm Beach mansion, all expenses paid by happy MSM producers.



This is true. Apologies to Futzy and many thanks to both!






As forum moderator and a Patient Advocate for the Coalition I'm available to answer any questions.


To view animations and videos and learn about leading hair restoration physicians visit http://www.regrowhair.com/our_physicians.asp



Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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